Support on o2c files (Objects 2 See) and o2c Interactive!
#4169 by dennisnorton
Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:19 am
I am a ver 10 user who has been using Visual Reality. I thought I'd try using the o2c. But it seems that o2c interactive is not available in ver10 - I thought it was built-in... All that is available is the viewer - is that correct?
#4170 by Miguel Palaoro
Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:50 am
Hello Dennis,

o2c Interactive is not 'built in' with DC 10, but you have almost all its features, for building your model and showing it.

The o2c features can be accessed by "View/Rendering Settings" and to see the rendered model you will use "View/Object Viewer".

After built the 3D model you can export it and your client can manipulate (in a limited way) with the free Object Viewer, that can be installed in his computer.
Of course you can export several instances of the same model, with different settings and model parts.

Hope this helps.
#4180 by dennisnorton
Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:43 am
If I purchase o2c, will it be the new version I've been reading about that has no ray tracing?
#4181 by Neil Blanchard
Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:18 am
Hello Dennis:

That problem was with a newer version of the o2c player which is the built in part of DataCAD. o2c Interactive! is a standalone rendering program that adds a lot of more powerful functions, than does the o2c player.

I would be very surprised if Interactive! did not have raytracing, since a rendering w/o it would be weak. If you want to be absolutely sure, I would email Mark Madura or the information link on their site -- or maybe he will pop in here and answer your question! :o
#4185 by dennisnorton
Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:56 pm
The only reason for me to not use Visual Reality is the potential for a home builder to review plans at his ofice with prospective clients. I love VR except for the scaling of texture/color maps - now that's a pain...

Maybe I should just sit back and wait to see what happens with the o2c updates.

Thanks for the quick responses.

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