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#40128 by Vicente T. Fernandes
Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:13 am

I made a new compilation attempt, using DCC1 and DCC2. It produced the
attached message, and generated an empty file TESTE.DCI

title window: Subsystem MS-DOS 16 bits

C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe - dcc1 TESTE
A CPU NTVDM find an instruction not allowed.
CS: 0000 IP: 0075 OP:f0 00 f0 37 05 Choose CLOSE to terminate the application.

Computer: HP Pavilion 2430BR
System: Windows XP Home Edition'
#42591 by rod_walker
Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:05 pm
I notice you are using Windows XP home edition. You may need to upgrade to the Windows XP Pro edition. Windows XP home puts restrictions on tasks to 'protect' the user.
Rod Walker
#42595 by joshhuggins
Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:31 am
I don't think the differance between Home and Pro should affect the way the compiler works, but I could be wrong. Is there something specific we should watch for Rod? Vicente, did you make sure to setup the system paths as shown in the Tutorial ?

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