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#43020 by Mark Toce
Tue May 12, 2009 8:33 am
I think that this message means someone has clicked the "Watch this forum for posts" link in the lower left of the DDN Discussion forum page, but they do not have a valid email address in their user profile. As a result, when the forum software tries to send the user an email notification that there is a new post in the forum, it encounters an error.

I tested the function and got the same error, but it did not prevent my message from being posted. Unfortunately, I don't have tools that tell me which users have signed up to receive notification of posts in the DDN forum, so I don't know which account is causing the error.

Is everyone that signed up to receive email notifications actually receiving them? If anyone isn't, check your user account profile and verify that it contains a valid email address.
#43024 by Mark Toce
Tue May 12, 2009 10:02 am
I think you have misunderstood my reply.

You are not causing the error, you are receiving it. Some other forum member has entered an invalid email address in their user profile, and that is the cause of the error. When you try to post a message, the forum attempts to notify that other user. It fails because of the invalid email address, and you receive the error because you are the one entering the post.
#43030 by Mark Toce
Tue May 12, 2009 2:33 pm
StudioPM wrote:
Mark Toce wrote: You are not causing the error, you are receiving it.
OK, glad to know I'm innocent. Whatever way, are you confident to fix it?

The only way I can fix it would be to reset the forum notification for all users in the DDN Discussion forum. The phpbb forum software does not give me a list of users that have signed up for email notification of new posts.
#43040 by Mark Toce
Wed May 13, 2009 7:46 am
StudioPM wrote:Dear Mr. Mark Toce,
_ I encourage you to be more optimist.
_ I encourage you to watch the “Failure Notice -- Undeliverable Mail” Log. There should be such a Log, and it may be of help.

Anyhow, so long.
Pietro Moras

Hello Pietro:

I do not have such a log.

I can either turn off the email notification feature for this forum, or I can create a new copy of the forum and move all of the existing information into it. The problem would return if the user who has the invalid email address signs up for email notification again, though.


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