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#46269 by Dean Buckeridge
Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:30 am
I am looking at a new computer in the near future and one of the recommendations that I have had is to go with a solid state drive as a main drive with another HDD for storage.

I've read about them and it all sounds fine but would it provide benefits for primarily DataCad and SketchUp? Or would I be better spending my money elsewhere?
#46271 by joshhuggins
Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:43 pm
From the reviews I've read / listened to, they do tend to make the OS seem to run faster, especially at boot time, but I don't think they will help much with Datacads speed. They may with SketchUp, but I'm not sure. The size to cost ratio is still too high for me to not be sure. I would spend the money on more ram or a faster CPU, which would be a big improvement if you install as much of the cost difference between a SSD and a HDD. Just my opinion, not too many facts here sorry :?
#46280 by Nick Pyner
Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:48 pm
It appears that typical notebook or desktop users probably won't notice a big difference between an SSD drive and a traditional hard disk drive other than a faster boot-up and quicker application-launch times, neither of which are likely to be of relevance to typical DataCad users.

They cost about ten times more per Gb of storage than a HDD but if money is no object, and you keep pushing your computer off the desk, then the obvious advantage of no moving parts could be tempting. Otherwise, I think your money is better employed elsewhere. I suspect the cost difference between SSD and HDD would pay for a pretty flash motherboard.

A 16Gb flash drive can be had for about $30 these days and defaults to C: when made bootable. I don't know if it takes a speed hit by being on USB rather than SATA, but the price and quick swapping ability might have something going for it.
#55773 by pjmerkl
Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:37 pm
I had the same question on the SSD. I am building a new system and am moving up from DC11 to ver 14. I dont think that the Datacad will be any faster and agree about putting the money into more RAM or memory on your graphics card. I did like the fact that there are no moving parts and maybe if that drive only has the operating system on it it may last longer. I dont know how big of a SSD you would need just for the operating system like windows 7? Here's a question on the drives. Why not have one drive that is just the operating system, with no other software on it. Put the other software like datacad on the second drive. Would that not make it a faster system? I would be interested in what other people have done on new systems with these drives. Have a great day.

pj :D
#55783 by Dean Buckeridge
Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:39 am
I ended up going with the SSD and I am very pleased with it. During the time that it took to make my decisions the price dropped so that I was able to get 80gb for the price of what 60gb was when I first started looking. I run Windows 7 64bit and all applications off the SSD and use a 2Tb disc for storage. The computer starts up from cold in around 40 seconds and applications like Photoshop open very quickly. I couldn't say that you need it, or can't do without it, or that DataCad runs better as a result but it is one of the things that makes my new desk top a joy to use, and I really notice the difference firing up the old lap top by comparison.

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