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#46202 by Joseph Baron
Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:35 pm
JimCricket wrote:Maybe I lack sense of humor, but I don't think that “to bite” is the right attitude in this case. What I've found is a possibly interesting s/w tool, by a publisher in Concord, NH 03301 (U.S.A.). A tool still in beta, hopefully capable of granting a modern (Windows) Developing Environment for DCAL.

At present I'm busy elsewhere but, as soon as I can, I intend to test it and I'll be glad to share the results of this experience with whomever interested, provided we'd share the same positive attitude in general and the same assumption that a DOS-based DCAL is desperately obsolete and not worth wasting time with.
- J.C.

Well that was shorthand for fishing for information on what this thing you found actually does, I guess I just don't get what it is since you're not giving up what it actually improves in the process.

Good luck on your endeavors...
#46549 by Miguel Palaoro
Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:39 am

I have to confess that I'm not sure if I should introduce myself on this discussion... but, as far as I'm present, and this subject interests me a lot, I'd dare to ask some minor issues.

JimCricket wrote:Just to let you know that, in spare time, I've been testing this DCAL Development Environment I've found out.
It's fully DataCAD integrated, in the sense that it appears as an ordinary menu item and, so far, it seems to be working fine.
- J.C.

Hi Jim,

1) Does this engine will be able to rescue back the old DOS DCAL into an updated development environment ?
2) Would be DCAL then able to handle double precision accuracy on macro calculus ?
3) Is there any chance to reveal the source of this tool, sharing the opportunity to other guys (many DCAL experimented developers) to test some of this nice abilities ?

#46563 by Miguel Palaoro
Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:06 pm
JimCricket wrote:3) sharing the opportunity to other guys
--Just give me a web-workspace where to upload files and post notes, and I'll be glad to share this beta-test project with a [selected and reliable] bunch of “other guys”.

That's fine, Jim.

Well, for the first part (the uploading space) you could try which is a nice and reliable free data storing in the web.
For the second part I'd suggest you just invite this bunch of guys who are spending a time while answering and paying attention to this very topic.
I'm sure that they all will enjoy the opportunity to test drive your engine.


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