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#472 by Czaslav
Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:50 am
Czy ktos uzywa tego programu w Polsce
ja pracuę w programie Datacad v. 6 do v. 11
od 1997r. Użytkownicy w Polsce pokażcie sie na forum.
#473 by Martell
Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:00 am
Hello Czaslav.
It is a little bit hard to understand polish.
You are a programmer and program for DataCAD.
and looking for a programmer forum. Is this right?
Look at the DDN forum.

BTW, if you are a programmer you must code it in english.
Never seen a polish source code before :-)
So you must speak english for coding. So please speak in english.
It is also hard for me as german to speak english. :wink:

Best regards

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