The DataCAD Developer Network (DDN) is an online resource for information and support for DCAL® (DataCAD Applications Language) developers as well as anyone interested in creating fonts, toolbars, hatch patterns, or linetypes for use in DataCAD.
#50788 by Miguel Palaoro
Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:40 pm
Mark F. Madura wrote:Fun with DCAL for Delphi. I've been working on a 'randomizer' prototype. This is 254 random spheres.

Hi Mark,

I'm positively impressed with your commitment on DCAL for Delphi stuff.

Would you dare to line up a set of steps to a guy (like some that I know) who would be interested to enter on the programming world using DataCAD ?

A kind of "how to..." collection, including:
    a) how to start
    b) what to know by first, and second
    c) which tools you'd need

Anyone that would be intersted to learn from scratch might face the challenge.

#50794 by rod_walker
Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:26 pm
The 'sticky' notes that Mark posted have been a real help to me. I had been too comfortable working with old Dcal so avoided entering the 'New World'. A computer upgrade forced me to re-think. Because of licensing difficuilties for the old Borland Delphi I am in the process of purchacing Delphi XE Pro to run on my Windows 7 64 bit system.
A 'stick note' on setting up Compiler directives and the best place in folder hierachy to place programs would be helpful.
I would be willing to post my progress.

Rod Walker
#50796 by Mark F. Madura
Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:28 pm
Fortunately, there's not too much you have to consider as far as the Delphi environment is concerned. I've successfully compiled/run DCAL for Delphi macros using Delphi 6 and Delphi XE. So the version of Delphi you use shouldn't matter.

For folder structure, I keep a 'Header Files' folder in my DCAL for Delphi folder. Along with the 'Header Files' folder, I keep folders for each project. So the following Uses entries will be the same in any project.

Code: Select all  UConstants in '..\Header Files\UConstants.pas',
  UInterfaces in '..\Header Files\UInterfaces.pas',
  UInterfacesRecords in '..\Header Files\UInterfacesRecords.pas',
  URecords in '..\Header Files\URecords.pas',
  UVariables in '..\Header Files\UVariables.pas';

#50797 by Mark F. Madura
Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:36 pm
Under Run, Parameters you'll want to configure the host application as 'C:\Program Files\DataCAD X3\DCADWIN.exe' or wherever you have DataCAD X3 installed. This will allow you to run your macro with debugging enabled.
#50838 by Mark F. Madura
Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:11 pm
Randomizer BETA 1
NOTE: This macro is only compatible with DataCAD X3

'Randomizer' BETA 1 is a DCAL for Delphi Macro. I developed this macro to learn how to add various entity types to the DataCAD drawing database. I will be posting the source in the near future.

The functionality is experimental and mostly for fun though you might find the random symbols option useful.


Thank You,


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