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#51195 by Nick Pyner
Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:43 am
What does this mean?

All the braking should be engaged by the brake pedal; pure and simple. On an EV, all the regenerative braking should be used to regain as much of the energy as possible -- but this is less efficient than coasting, by definition; so it should not be the way you drive to maximize range on an EV. So, as much braking as possible should come from regeneration
#51200 by Neil Blanchard
Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:26 am
Hi Nick,

Accelerating, then coasting, then braking as little as necessary, is better than accelerating and then braking; even with regenerative braking of an EV.

The latter is how many people drive, and it is not very efficient, so even when you can do regenerative braking to regain some of the energy, it cannot make up the difference.
#51567 by Neil Blanchard
Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:53 am
6 months worth of rain in California in less than a week.

2" / hour rains in California, causing landslides,
Landslides are likely because of huge wild fires,
Huge wild fires are common because of droughts,
Droughts are happening because the snow pack is shrinking,
Snow packs are shrinking because of lots of heat: both in the summer AND because it is warm enough to rain in the winter *instead* of snowing...

#52973 by nevyok
Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:04 am
Greetings Neil ..... Wow a QUAKER ! It's Nev Griffiths here architectural draughtsman and DataCad lover and LOVER OF THE LORD !I preach the King James Bible every Sunday 11am to 1pm, in Albury Wodonga New South Wales Australia, our name is ..... The Albury Wodonga Puritan Society, we preach the necessity of water baptism, with the infilling of the Holy Spirit, with the Bible evidence of speaking in "NEW TONGUES" !And then walking on in that experience until the Lord requires us or until HIS RETURN !To keep it simple ..... we HONOUR THE LORD'S WORD THE BIBLE, IN EVERY WAY ! Trusting you are in agreeance with this ? Not sure of the principles of Quackerism ? but I like the sound of it for starters ! Cheers Nev.
#52975 by nevyok
Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:21 am
Apologies Neil for mis spelling viz ..... Quakerism ! Cheers Nev !

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