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#5171 by rossstocks
Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:01 pm
We recently upgraded to DataCAD11 and one of the features we found in 11 that we had not been able to do in earlier versions was to stretch arcs (VERY nice when editing electrical circuiting).

But then we encountered some seemingly unrelated system problems, ended up replacing our central file server and in the whole troubleshooting process, reinstalled 11. Not long after that, we discovered we could no longer stretch arcs.

I've searched and searched for info on this and not only haven't found any posts regarding it (but I'm new to the forum and might not be searching correctly), I can't even find any evidence that this is/was a known feature. But if I hallucinated it, it was a mass hallucination, because my coworkers were also liking the new feature.

The only thing I can surmise is that our initial install was a "complete" install, which I'm not sure of, while our re-install was a "typical," which I know since I did the re-install myself.

Thanks for any assistance you can lend...

Ross Stocks
#5172 by joshhuggins
Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:03 am
Make sure you have downloaded and installed the latest patch. That should be it. If you still can't get them going let us know and we'll see what we can do :D
#5174 by Neil Blanchard
Sun Aug 14, 2005 5:41 am
Hello Ross,

As Josh says, you'll need to reinstall the v11.07.00 update -- and the v11.08.00 when it comes out.

A comment though: you might want to look into using polylines instead of "plain" arcs, since the arcs themselves can be adjusted afterwards: you can flatten them, or increase the bulge, and you can add/delete vertices as well. Use the Curves/Polyline/Edit menu for these functions. :wink:
#5177 by rossstocks
Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:50 am
Thanks Gents,

That did the trick. I didn't remember downloading the updates with the first install, but when I went there this time, it all came back to me.

I'm going to be very popular in the office tomorrow morning.

Thanks again - and thanks, Neil, for the extra tip - it sounds like a good idea.

#5189 by Heinrich
Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:46 am
Hey guys,
What about a way to stretch the quadrant sections of ars or circles, so you can have more control for landscaping shapes that are not always perfectly round. I realize we can use beziers or B-splines, but more control over arcs and circles would be nice as well.

#5212 by joshhuggins
Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:05 pm
As Neil says, try using polylines and the Curves/Polyline/Edit features. They have lots of options for editing curves. One wish is that the snapping abilities of curves would apply to polylines, then I could use polylines completely :!:

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