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#53820 by Joseph Baron
Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:27 pm
We are migrating to Windows 7 x64 machines and I’ve run into DataCAD 16bit utilities not working, namely DCADWR.exe, in which I call from some of my custom DataCAD macro (DCX) files. DCADWR.exe writes an AutoCAD DWG file from a DataCAD file.

Would anyone by chance know of a possible 32bit replacement for DCADWR.exe, or have suggestions on running it in XP mode or even on a (VM) virtual machine?

Thanks so much!
#53821 by joshhuggins
Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:19 pm
I think that you might want to revisit updating the macros source code to use the newer export features :? I don't even recall what DCADWR.exe is. You could run Datacad in a Virtual PC (we run several old DOS/VB engineering apps this way) but I would want to run Datacad natively if at all possible.

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