What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#55609 by joshhuggins
Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:05 pm
You mean extra steps? Yuk! I see that we have to manually change one line at a time, so I would add to the wish to be able to use EGAFM to select multiple entities at once to convert to polyines, oh and not change their colors like the PolyTo Line does, or uh, does not.
#55610 by David A. Giesselman
Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:34 pm
joshhuggins wrote::idea: Requested by a co-worker, he wishes that when you use Line to Poly that it would not change the color of the entities. I think this make perfect sense.

This is really not possible as the original entities may be a mix of many colors and a polyline can only be a single color.

#55687 by joshhuggins
Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:08 pm
:idea: Would it be handy if GTV's could Remember Scale Types? We could have it so we could switch between different views that are created using different input methods without having to switch the Scale Types between view changes. Say have a architectural views that are input via Arch, site plans that are input via Decimal Feet, details using Inch/ Fractions. Could also remember the precision levels, stacked fractions, sig digits, etc. I think this would be a good option, I couldn't think of a negative, can anyone else?
#55856 by joshhuggins
Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:01 pm
Ya'll know how when you use Identify multiple times at the same location, Datacad wisely selects the next entity in the display list? It would be nice if the Ctrl+Right click could do the same. Right now it just selects the "top" entitiy over and over it seems.
#55945 by joshhuggins
Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:03 pm
joshhuggins wrote:I just realized that the knockout toggle seems to be global. While we are thinking our office will probably want it to always be on for text and dimensions, we will probably want it to be off 95% of the time for creating entities like circles, curves, polylines, slabs etc. Looking at the list of knockout supported entities in the Whats New File, would it be possible to break it up into three groups for the remembered status of knockouts? One for the text & dimensions menus (arrows?), one for curves entities, and one for Polygons & Slabs (& other 3D shapes once/if they are supported)?

The above wish becomes even more useful when you realize that you have shortcuts and quick keys that jump you right into entity creation commands like 3pt arcs and keep trying to create a arc and it keeps disappearing because the global knockout toggle is on when last used for text :( Couldn't I modify my shortcuts to turn knockouts off? Sure and I am for now, but feel they should still be separate toggles for groups of like entities as listed above. Not having to worry about toggling a setting that doesn't relate well between different types of entities seems logical to my wittle brain regardless of if your accessing via shortcuts or via the menus directly. If someone else has a different ideas about it would love to hear them. This is a great new feature and needs good discussion to build it up!
This is becoming quite an annoyance for our workers work flow. We have knockouts turned on for all of our text and dimensions now as an office standard cuz their Horecka kwel :twisted: , so when users jump directly into a curve command like 3pt arc they have to back out to the main curve menu, click knockouts, turn off knockouts, go back 2 menus to the main curve menu, back into the curve command and create their curves. Then remember to reload the text styles to toggle the knockouts back on before the create text or dimensions again. That doesn't include the time lost if they try to create curves, text or dimensions with the incorrect settings first and the undo to remove the entity with the incorrect setting or the property dialog box edit to toggle the knockout setting to correct setting for the entity type. Just wanted to bump this so it can hopefully be addressed in the future. I am going to go thru our toolbar and add in some buttons to help but for most users who are not upto doing this, this should really be addressed as knockouts are too helpful to not give them a little love when time permits. Thanks for the ears & have a great gobble gobble day!
#55946 by Miguel Palaoro
Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:43 pm
I second it, Josh.

KnockOut feature is too much smart and useful for being blamed by loss of productivity :oops:
#56307 by joshhuggins
Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:55 pm
Could we maybe get an Absolute Zero button in the Symbol Insert menu?
#56879 by joshhuggins
Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:37 pm
I almost feel dirty asking for this one but think that if it was implemented it might make Datacad a bit more appealing for Autocad users. The idea is if there was an option so all of the hard coded keys (lines 140,141 DCADWIN.MSG file?) were ignored and when any of the keys a-z & 1-0 are typed it jumped right into the alias input, which would essentially simulate Autocad's Command line. We have a couple users here that are avid alias users who have essentially duplicated Autocad's commands in Datacad's equivalent commands, which to me is fine as long as the output is the same. We all work different anyway right? So if we could save them a Ctrl+Space for every single command they type it would add up in the long run.
#56882 by Tony Blasio
Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:57 am
This isn't a bad idea Josh. It would get my vote. You should probably offer that Alias file on Cheap Tricks. I think it would be useful for users that have to go back and forth using DataCAD and AutoCAD. Heck I'd most likely pick up a copy, there's at least one sale for you! :wink:
#57090 by joshhuggins
Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:42 pm
Tabs in MText. I'm just sayin :wink:
#57172 by joshhuggins
Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:32 pm
I don't know how I've missed this one, but in the root Rotate menu could we get a back door into Settings, Angle Type menu and maybe some sort of indicator of what the current Angle type is?
#57222 by David A. Giesselman
Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:55 pm
joshhuggins wrote:I almost feel dirty asking for this one but think that if it was implemented it might make Datacad a bit more appealing for Autocad users. The idea is if there was an option so all of the hard coded keys (lines 140,141 DCADWIN.MSG file?) were ignored and when any of the keys a-z & 1-0 are typed it jumped right into the alias input, which would essentially simulate Autocad's Command line. We have a couple users here that are avid alias users who have essentially duplicated Autocad's commands in Datacad's equivalent commands, which to me is fine as long as the output is the same. We all work different anyway right? So if we could save them a Ctrl+Space for every single command they type it would add up in the long run.

Done for the next update.

#57223 by MtnArch
Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:35 pm
Awesome, Dave - thanks!!!
#57225 by joshhuggins
Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:25 pm
You da man! Since wishing for this, we have hired another Autocad user, will be handy for sure. I think if a good set of command alias that mimicked as close as Autocad as possible were included with Datacad it could almost be touted as a selling feature for possible converts. Once we get this in our office, I'll share our alias users list and maybe we can get a big alias file going. Thanks guys!
#57231 by David A. Giesselman
Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:49 am
joshhuggins wrote:I just realized that the knockout toggle seems to be global. While we are thinking our office will probably want it to always be on for text and dimensions, we will probably want it to be off 95% of the time for creating entities like circles, curves, polylines, slabs etc. Looking at the list of knockout supported entities in the Whats New File, would it be possible to break it up into three groups for the remembered status of knockouts? One for the text & dimensions menus (arrows?), one for curves entities, and one for Polygons & Slabs (& other 3D shapes once/if they are supported)?

Done for the next update.


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