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#52157 by The Canuck
Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:29 pm
I believe this was brought up a couple years ago in terms of networking and finding out where users that use DataCAD are located. Being unemployed, it would be great to know if there are DataCAD users in my area, or firms that use the software. I have joined both the Facebook and Linkedin groups, but I am not finding anything for connecting with people in my area. Maybe I am the only one. One of my thoughts would be the map of the U.S. or the world, that would then allow you to place a "pin" at your location. Or maybe there could be a spreadsheet like format with listing of the firms or people that use the program.

Just some thoughts on helping people out.
#56678 by Ross Maxwell
Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:16 pm
I too would like have this information available. I called DataCAD sales today and they said that they do not give out their customer lists. I just posted a note to the forum today to find out about a local UserGroup in my area to hopefully network and find other users. In my area, 95% or more of the offices are using AutoCAD and Revit. After using DataCAD for 25 years now, and 20 years doing things by myself, it would be nice to continue to find clients on my own where the software is not an issue. As an employee in an office as part of a team it is. I too am looking for work. Considering moving or doing something else.

Let me know if you find something. Contact DataCAD and see if there are any Dealers in your area. Talk to them. Maybe they might be of some help.

Ross Maxwell
Costa Mesa, CA.
#56679 by MtnArch
Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:58 pm
There used to be a VERY active SoCal group that was headed by (I believe) Glenn Osborne in the Orange County area. I think even the infamous Jim Horecka made as many appearances as he could to help support the group.

I tried getting a group going up here in the San Joaquin Valley but found it difficult to both connect with other users and get them to actually COME to meetings. I think Evan Shu has alluded to this as well when he and Rick Gleason started up the original DBUG (DataCAD Boston User's Group) - that you have to persevere for MANY moons before it starts to sustain itself. We were lucky enough to have Ted Blockley (Bakersfield) of CheapTricks fame and Gene Hughes (Tehachapi) make it for our first meeting, along with Glenn. It WAS a fun meeting! (Of course this was back in the DC V9 days, too!)

Josh Huggins and I have talked many times about trying to get another SJVDUG (San Joaquin Valley DataCAD User's Group) meeting together, but between life, kids and (that four-letter word) WORK we haven't been able to put it together yet. DC LLC has been **VERY** supportive of us trying to put together a meeting, offering as much as they can (and feel comfortable with) with suggestions.

Good luck (Ross and Canuck) with connecting with other users. There are a lot of us out there, but you'll need to be persistent to make it happen!

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