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#57920 by Roger D
Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:36 pm
Any comments on the pro/cons of a IPad or Tablet (and which one)
I'm all Windows & MS.
Would like to sync my Outlook calendar & contacts.
Use for when out a hot spots with wifi to collect emails when out, and use for notes, etc.
Ability to use MS Word & Excel would be nice.
#57921 by jimgoodman
Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:47 pm
I have been using a Samsung Slate 7 tablet for the past 6 months or so and really really like it. It has 4 gb of memory, runs Windows 7 Professional very efficiently, has great battery life, runs cool, and will do anything and everything that our other Windows based machines do.

It will set you back a few more dollars than the Ipad and won't run Angry Birds however. :roll:
#57922 by Nick Pyner
Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:47 pm
I have just received a cheapo Android tablet. I don't like it much but I have to admit I got it on a whim as I was getting spooked by the financial problems at the Sydney Morning Herald.

This runs the latest Android Ice Cream Sandwich o/s. I believe this is a long way short of intuitive, which is disappointing as I was hoping my totally non-savvy wife could use it, just for picture sharing and the newspapers. I have used IPads and I can't take them seriously either but they seem to be a lot more intuitive than the Android.

The Android has a swag of Office and Outlook readers and editors, but I don't have any yet. I suspect one of the biggest problems with Andoid is going to be sorting out the junk apps, but I guess the same goes for iPad.

I would suggest that any serious professional on this forum should go the Goodman route, pay the money, and get a proper device with proper software, Windows, secure in the knowledge that you have already got the knowledge, and it will deliver what you want. I will persevere with the Android but my little Dell 430 is the one for the road. It isn't that much bigger, and it does it all.

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