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#5700 by Steve Scott
Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:34 pm
MFM> 15. You can now write a macro to select a custom color (16 to 255).
MFM> Examples:
MFM> [Change to Color 38]
MFM> Hint=Change color to 38
MFM> A=^;^S7^S7^S8^38$^S0
MFM> [Change to Color Yellow]
MFM> Hint=Change color to Yellow
MFM> A=^;^S7^S7^S8^yellow$^S0
MFM> Note: If the color you specify is not found then the color will remain
MFM> unchanged.

I sent a wishlist item in a while back for the ability to
change custom colors through the menu system, so that
keyboard shortcuts could be programmed using strictly
menu keys, instead of requiring a mouse move that couldn't
be programmed. Dave G informed me that this would be included
in v11.08. My reason for asking for menu key access is to use
with the Gateway programmable keyboard. How is the above
accessible by menu keys alone? I've installed v11.08 and don't
see any ability to change custom colors without using the
#5708 by joshhuggins
Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:03 pm
You can also use this method to create Alias's or Keyboard Macros. See alias example below.

To create Alias's press CTRL+ALT+SPACE To use Alias's Press CTRL+SPACE,Code, Enter
#5863 by Steve Scott
Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:51 pm
Josh, I see your method. However this is actually more keystrokes
than what we can do now with our programmable keyboard setup
plus the mouse click on the custom color that we desire relief from.
#5864 by David A. Giesselman
Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:15 pm
Hi Steve:

I guess I must have misunderstood your original request. If we were to add a button marked Index to the Color menu where if selected would prompt you to enter the color number, would that do it? If not, I'm certainly open to suggestions. :wink:

#5865 by Steve Scott
Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:06 pm
Hi Dave:
I re-read my original request and I didn't word it as effectively as my
mind conceived it. :) :? I think your suggestion here would work for us
very well. If executing the command to change color to a custom
color could be done with only using a combination of "F" menu buttons
and manual numeral input, a one-key step could be programmed in.

We make heavy use of a custom color (232) for non-print lines in
our documents and also heavy use of changing existing entities to this
color with repeated use over extended time periods. With each new
change, attention must divert to the dialog box, the mouse moved
away from its next area of operation, and the rows and columns of
colors eye-balled (with one eye closed, and tongue sticking out!) and
a guess made at the right color box. Many times I miss and pick 233.

Let's say you were to add Index to the color menu at
button S7, then prompted for a numerical keyboard input. The
key sequence could be:
and we would love you, Dave... But we wouldn't be after your Bud Light!
The dialog box could stay for those who like it and an additional way
of doing things would be added for anybody interested... kinda like the
usual DataCAD way!

#5868 by joshhuggins
Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:57 pm
I think maybe your coding is off. This code works to set your color to 232 via Alt+Z when added to the dcadwin.mcr file. Of corse you wont want to run this while in the middle of another command as it takes you back to the Edit menu. Is this what your looking for ?

Code: Select allZ^;^S7^S7^S8^232$^S0^
#5877 by Steve Scott
Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:59 pm
Josh, I'm not sure what you're getting at here. I think we may be
talking about two different things. I'm not looking to set the
current color to a custom color, but to change the color of an existing
entity using the change/color menu. Re-programming key combos (Alt-Z)
or using .mcr files (I don't even know what these are) aren't part
of the picture. My "coding" is just representing what the sequence of
keystrokes could be if manual input could be used.

I'm looking to get exclusive menu "F" button + keyboard numeral
input so I can use our special keyboards to do the programming.
It's the mouse click in the dialog box that is mucking up the works.
#6010 by Miguel Palaoro
Tue Sep 13, 2005 9:25 am
Hello Steve,

I am sure that Dave's offer is very attractive for your request.

If he can put a "Index" button on the Change/Color menu you will be able to insert it into a short-cut and get the colors of your pattern really 'on-the-fly'.

#6021 by joshhuggins
Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:59 am
Sorry I misunderstood what your original post meant. The only way that you can get what your wanting to work now as far as I can see, would to be to create an Alias following the steps I showed above, but change the code to:
Code: Select all^;^F0^F0^S8^232$^F1^

Then program your keyboard to type Ctrl+Space,Alias,Enter.

That should be easy enough. Also using alias, your not limited by keystrokes, like you mentioned before. Will that work for ya :?:

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