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#58688 by MtnArch
Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:07 pm
Just wondering if anyone else is using StruCalc? I haven't used it in the past but felt I needed to get it this year. So far it's a nice quick-size option, but definitely doesn't replace having a structural engineer!
#58689 by Roger D
Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:57 am
I have used it for years. My Structural Engineer also has a copy.
The other program I've heard of, and is much more $$ is TEDDS, but it does have more types of calculations.
#58695 by David Porter
Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:47 pm
I have also used it for years. I was a part of their beta test team maybe about 8 years or so ago. Very easy user interface and they keep it up to date with all of the various design codes.
#58705 by Robert Scott
Tue Nov 27, 2012 2:28 pm
I've also used it for years as a tool to preliminary size items that come into play in the design. Easy interface and reasonably priced. Final calculations are by an engineer.
#61300 by MtnArch
Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:16 pm
As an FYI - I received an e-mail from StruCalc that they are having a 40% off sale through August 28th, and are hoping to roll out V9.0 during the 4th quarter of 2013. Here's the info in case anyone wants to take advantage of this deal (wish it had been available when I bought it late last year!):

Our new website will allow you to enter a discount code to receive 40% off your entire order. StruCalc is offering its interested users:

40% Off Your Entire Online Order

Just go to the ORDER PAGE and place your order. You can also get this exciting offer if you call our sales line at 1-800-279-1353. Please call us at anytime if you have questions or need assistance.
#61303 by RParker
Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:02 am
I have been using Beam Chek ( for a number of years. It does a good job for what we need (quick sizing, etc) BUT we always use a structural engineer for final design. Not sure what StruCalc does but BeamChek is considerably less expensive.
#61304 by MtnArch
Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:34 am
From what I understand (from others who have used both BeamChek since I haven't) StruCalc is more powerful and does footings as well. With the 40% off right now you'll pay less than $300 for StruCalc, or you could order StruCalc Lite (which I think is closer to BeamChek) which is normally $149 for only $90.

As always, use what you feel is the best tool for the job you do - not what someone else says you should have. I was only putting this out here since it is a great deal!

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