What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#59920 by jimgoodman
Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:57 pm
As we use symbols more and more to develop our drawings, there are two minor features that would be really helpful:

1. A way that symbols can be automatically updated (reloaded) when a drawing is opened. I see this working the same way XRefs are updated when a drawing is opened. Since there are situations where this is not desirable, so perhaps this is a per-symbol setting, similar to lock scale, fix text, etc.

2. When replacing symbols it would be helpful if the symbol name could be displayed in the information toolbar, the way it works when using the identify command.

Thanks and Happy Friday
#59921 by MtnArch
Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:07 pm
Jim -

Probably a dumb question (been accused of much worse), but could you use an xref instead of a symbol - insert your symbol into a blank drawing, explode it, save it as an AEC and insert as an xref?

I do like your wishlist for #2 - that would be very helpful!!
#59924 by joshhuggins
Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:34 am
jimgoodman wrote:A way that symbols can be automatically updated (reloaded) when a drawing is opened. I see this working the same way XRefs are updated when a drawing is opened. Since there are situations where this is not desirable, so perhaps this is a per-symbol setting, similar to lock scale, fix text, etc.
I asked for this a while back too, but everyone pretty much thought I was nuts (see previous posts) I know from your previous post you are using a lot of the new symbol features in similar ways that we are. I think like you mentioned, a lot of the doom and gloom can be avoided by just having it as an optional symbol feature. Xrefs have too much overhead to be used in this method for a large number of instances. This still gets a BIG vote from me.

jimgoodman wrote:When replacing symbols it would be helpful if the symbol name could be displayed in the information toolbar, the way it works when using the identify command.
Since we can replace specific or all symbols, I would guess it would be the name of the symbol you using to do the replacing with. Gets my vote as well.
#59926 by jimgoodman
Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:59 am
MtnArch wrote:Jim -

Probably a dumb question (been accused of much worse), but could you use an xref instead of a symbol - insert your symbol into a blank drawing, explode it, save it as an AEC and insert as an xref?

Not dumb at all - in fact I have been going back and forth on when to use symbols and when to use XRefs. As Josh points out, XRefs carry with them lots of baggage that can be avoided by using symbols.

The example I am specifically thinking about is a project title block that is used in numerous aec files. When a new issue date or other revision is added, the instances of the title block symbol must be manually reloaded in every aec file. An auto-refresh/reload option would solve that.

We have used an XRef for title blocks in the past and the auto refresh issue may be a good reason to settle in on that approach. We find that it's a bit easier to grab a symbol from the project symbol folder than maintaining a separate drawing with just the title block.

At any rate, perhaps a little pressure from the left-coast contingent will get these on Mr. Giesselman's to-do list.
#59927 by jimgoodman
Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:08 am
joshhuggins wrote:
jimgoodman wrote:When replacing symbols it would be helpful if the symbol name could be displayed in the information toolbar, the way it works when using the identify command.
Since we can replace specific or all symbols, I would guess it would be the name of the symbol you using to do the replacing with. Gets my vote as well.

This is necessary to insure that the correct symbol (or any symbol at all) is selected for replacement. The way it works now, there is no indication that anything has registered until the replacement has been completed. A little feedback when using this feature is the goal.
#59929 by David A. Giesselman
Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:06 pm
jimgoodman wrote:1. A way that symbols can be automatically updated (reloaded) when a drawing is opened. I see this working the same way XRefs are updated when a drawing is opened. Since there are situations where this is not desirable, so perhaps this is a per-symbol setting, similar to lock scale, fix text, etc.

Looking into this.

he then wrote:2. When replacing symbols it would be helpful if the symbol name could be displayed in the information toolbar, the way it works when using the identify command.

Done for the next update.

#59932 by joshhuggins
Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:45 pm
David A. Giesselman wrote:Done for the next update.
Hey it's Saturday, don't you have some speakers to be working on?
#59934 by David A. Giesselman
Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:50 pm
joshhuggins wrote:
David A. Giesselman wrote:Done for the next update.
Hey it's Saturday, don't you have some speakers to be working on?

Waiting on some epoxy to cure. :wink:

#59940 by David A. Giesselman
Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:58 pm
jimgoodman wrote:1. A way that symbols can be automatically updated (reloaded) when a drawing is opened. I see this working the same way XRefs are updated when a drawing is opened. Since there are situations where this is not desirable, so perhaps this is a per-symbol setting, similar to lock scale, fix text, etc.

You realize, of course, that this would effect all instances of that Symbol in the drawing.

#59941 by jimgoodman
Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:22 pm
That would be the idea - much like reference files work currently. The ability to control this on a symbol by symbol basis is the key, because there are situation where automatic updating is not desirable.

#59942 by David A. Giesselman
Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:28 pm
AllRightyThen! I'm going to add this to the Symbol Tools sub-menu of the [Ctrl]+Right-click context menu. Good enough?

#59943 by joshhuggins
Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:07 pm
This works for me!
#59944 by David A. Giesselman
Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:26 pm
joshhuggins wrote:This works for me!

Well if Josh likes it, I can do my happy dance! Image

#59947 by jimgoodman
Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:16 pm
David A. Giesselman wrote:AllRightyThen! I'm going to add this to the Symbol Tools sub-menu of the [Ctrl]+Right-click context menu. Good enough?


A happy dance for me as well.

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