What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#64061 by joshhuggins
Fri May 16, 2014 1:57 pm
When drawing entities where they don't directly coincide with other entities in the xref it's not usually an issue not erasing the xref. When they do coincide like tracing the perimeter of a building for a foundation, I will usually turn off layer search while doing that type of work. Something else that helps is we have the display order set to Last so the current layer gets drawn last which helps keep selections in order, and also having the xref layer earlier in the layer order helps make it less likely to get picked. It still happen once in a while, but a undo will bring it back. I usually do a force save before the undo as I have been bitten too many times by undoing bugs.
#64062 by Neil Blanchard
Fri May 16, 2014 2:22 pm
No, I am toggling a layer in the active drawing, and trying to update the GTV. The XRef resides on a layer that is included in the XRef. If that layer is locked, then I cannot add some other layer to the GTV in the active drawing.

This same warning shows up when I place an MSP Detail using a Linked GTV. So, will the linking work if I toggle a layer in the active drawing?
#64063 by David A. Giesselman
Fri May 16, 2014 2:53 pm
I suppose I could add an INI option to allow XRef GTV links to be updated when the XRef resides on a locked layer. Would that solve your issues Neil?

#64065 by David A. Giesselman
Fri May 16, 2014 3:37 pm
You think so? :roll:

How 'bout a simple Yes or No? :wink:

Otherwise, I think I can do it, maybe, perhaps, I dunno, ...

#64066 by joshhuggins
Fri May 16, 2014 4:02 pm
This "ini" option is almost angelic in it's design. I think it's a fantastic idea :!: Can't think of why an ini option wouldn't work. Greatest thing since associated dimensions. Since GTV linking by it's nature is kind of layer agnostic I don't think would cause any issues since a user would have to manually edit what layers are active for the Xref anyway.

So I guess the simple reply would be...

#64069 by Mark Bell
Fri May 16, 2014 7:56 pm
I'm still getting smart walls shoot off the screen due to anomalies with cleanups. These tend to be where two or more different wall types connect and try to clean up or where walls coincide with other walls and their end points are on top of each other (mirrored walls or move-and-copy). In 'real life' different wall types wouldn't merge or cleanup as they are different materials and thicknesses.

Wishlist - amend/fix the cleanup command with smart walls so different wall types don't automatically self cleanup - they need to be forced by the user through a 2-wall trim etc. Hopefully, this might correct walls extending off into space.

Other issues:

1. I design directly in DataCAD rather than on paper so often save work in progress to an 'Oldinfo' layer which is turned off so I can use it or portions of it if needed at a later date. The problem is smart walls don't seem to like sharing the same space as other smart walls so if there's a smart wall(s) which is on a layer that's turned off it cuts through current walls that are active and occasionally does other odd things with door/window cutouts. Can this be fixed so smart entities can occupy the same space in 3D as per other entities?

2. I've recently used an ellipse and found partial erasing portions of the 'arc' can cause the ellipse to make a copy of itself in the same position after using partial erase then picking the portion to remove. This happened several times.

3. Add the ability to use geometry/divide and select the ellipse to subdivide the 'arc' by the selected number of divisions - it's not being recognized,

4. As mentioned in an earlier post, ellipses don't display their area/arc length etc. when Identified,

5. Improve the use of smart curved walls so when these are trimmed with another smart wall, the curved wall retains its original curve position and not 'jump' to a new position and a different arc profile. Similarly with offsetting a curved smart wall - it becomes straight!

6. Allow doors/windows/openings in curved walls,

7. The addition of the Reassociate is appreciated, but it only seems to work some of the time. I've had several occurrences where the door being selected to re-cut/associate disappears or in other situations doesn't re-cut the wall. Ideally, my biggest wishlist for smart entities is to have all doors/windows/openings cut a wall and stay locked in place so the door/window/opening is always in place until deleted, even when the wall is moved/mirrored, rotated, stretched etc. This would allow drawings using smart entities to be carried forward into documentation with some degree of certainty that everything will stay in place rather than 'come loose' over time.

8. Improve the ability to snap to dashed lines particularly when using perpendicular object snap and the snap position is a gap in the dashed line,

#64073 by Neil Blanchard
Mon May 19, 2014 10:07 am
Yes, an INI setting for this would be good. We really need XRef's to be Refreshed even though they are on locked layers, and since we need to lock the layers, we also need to be able to Update GTV's all the time, too. Locking layers should not prevent GTV's (and their Linked MSP details) from being updated.
#64076 by David A. Giesselman
Mon May 19, 2014 10:32 am
Neil Blanchard wrote:Yes, an INI setting for this would be good. We really need XRef's to be Refreshed even though they are on locked layers, and since we need to lock the layers, we also need to be able to Update GTV's all the time, too. Locking layers should not prevent GTV's (and their Linked MSP details) from being updated.

Added support for the following key in the [XREFS] section of the INI file:

Always Update GTV Links=TRUE

The default is FALSE.

This will be available in the next Subscription update.

#64077 by joshhuggins
Mon May 19, 2014 12:36 pm
Neil Blanchard wrote:Yes, an INI setting for this would be good. We really need XRef's to be Refreshed even though they are on locked layers, and since we need to lock the layers, we also need to be able to Update GTV's all the time, too. Locking layers should not prevent GTV's (and their Linked MSP details) from being updated.

I agree with this whole statement. Locking layers should prevent changing/adding/erasing etc. of entities directly, but not prohibit entities that have dynamic content within them like xrefs. They should work like symbols do. If you have a symbol on a locked layer, and you change another instance of that symbol on a unlocked layer, the symbol on the locked layer correctly updates itself. This will be of even more importance when things like dynamic detail levels are added to smart entities.
#64078 by Neil Blanchard
Mon May 19, 2014 1:04 pm
Another wish for XRef's (and Self References) not that we have a Right-Click in the RFM that shows the layer it resides on - it would be great to have that layer name show with the strike-through if it is locked, and - to have a toggle for the lock in that menu just below the layer name.

Interestingly, the Update button in the Layer Manager does not cause the Warning popup up about the Locked layer(s) that the Update in the GTV menu does ...

[Edit: I do get the Warning using the Update button in the LM in a different drawing. Hmmm ... ]
#64307 by David A. Giesselman
Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:07 pm
Neil Blanchard wrote:I wonder if it would be possible to have "wide" linetypes - like plywood or insulation linetypes - be able to be truncated (aka 1-line trimmed) to another line at an angle other than 90 degrees.

Ya mean like mitered?
#64326 by MtnArch
Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:58 pm
David A. Giesselman wrote:Ya mean like mitered?

Got my vote for it, too!

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