What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#64346 by Mark Bell
Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:19 pm
I'm not sure whether this is a small bug or simply the way different 3D entities export. I've inserted some test renders which show triangulation lines/marks on the ceiling. The ceiling was created using a covered polyline which then had cylinders removed using add void to create the recessed downlight slots for lighting.

The covered polylines with voids create the anomalies in the 3D surfaces when rendered. However, if the polylines are exploded to polygons prior to export then they render okay (images without marks). Similarly, if the 3D entities are modelled as slabs with voids added, then they too render okay.

It appears there is some issue with how covered polylines export? Can this be looked at for future upgrades?

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#64386 by Neil Blanchard
Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:37 pm
David A. Giesselman wrote:
Neil Blanchard wrote:Yes, an INI setting for this would be good. We really need XRef's to be Refreshed even though they are on locked layers, and since we need to lock the layers, we also need to be able to Update GTV's all the time, too. Locking layers should not prevent GTV's (and their Linked MSP details) from being updated.

Added support for the following key in the [XREFS] section of the INI file:

Always Update GTV Links=TRUE

The default is FALSE.

This will be available in the next Subscription update.


Do we have an ETA on this subscription update?
#64398 by Mark Toce
Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:28 am
Neil Blanchard wrote:Do we have an ETA on this subscription update?

DataCAD 16.03.00 will be released in mid-July.

This enhancement is currently available in the 16.03.00 beta 05 build in the beta forum.
#64437 by Neil Blanchard
Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:20 pm
Two Wish List items:

In addition to Enlarge by a center point we click on, and By Center - if for symbols we could Enlarge by the Insertion Point, that would be very helpful.

If a *drawing's* layers could have the Min/Max Scale setting (like we have in symbols) then we could have an easier and much more flexible way of getting plots like with Scale To Pen. This keeps all the colors consistent (no matter what scale you are using), it also leaves a broader range of colors to use, and would be specific to a GTV / plot scale.
#64441 by jimgoodman
Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:41 am
Neil Blanchard wrote:Two Wish List items:

In addition to Enlarge by a center point we click on, and By Center - if for symbols we could Enlarge by the Insertion Point, that would be very helpful.

If a *drawing's* layers could have the Min/Max Scale setting (like we have in symbols) then we could have an easier and much more flexible way of getting plots like with Scale To Pen. This keeps all the colors consistent (no matter what scale you are using), it also leaves a broader range of colors to use, and would be specific to a GTV / plot scale.

These are both excellent wish list items!
#64506 by Mark Bell
Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:40 am
We use a combination of clipcubes with GTV's over drawings and xrefs with a new layer added for clipcube-specific line work, dimensions or text etc. Having the ability to add text or dimensions then ctrl-right click to ignore clipcube then reposition the text or dims outside the clipcube is a great feature....it's just a slow process.


1. Add S3 Ignore ClpCube to the Text menu so that all new text created automatically has this feature toggled on,

2. Add F9 Ignore ClpCube to the Dimensions/Linear menu so that all new dimensions created automatically has this feature toggled on,

3. Add S8 Ignore ClpCube to the Hatching menu so that all new dimensions created automatically has this feature toggled on,

4. Add Ignore Clip Cube on insertion to the Symbol Browser Options menu,

5. Or... Amend the clipcube icon menu to include another icon that when toggled on, enables 'Ignore clipcube' to all new entities added to the drawing (text, dims, symbols, hatching, linework etc.) and when toggled off, behaves normally.

6. Add a command that allows the quick changing of entities to ignore a clipcube or obey a clipcube using EGAFM - this allows a quick area or fence placement across a drawing to toggle on/off entities and their status with obeying/ignoring a clipcube.

7. Add the ability to define a clipcube using a random fencline (irregular shape) instead of the limited square/rectangle,

8. Allow the clipcube z-b/z-h readout to display a text flyout when the mouse is hovered over the clipcube icon,
#64510 by Neil Blanchard
Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:08 pm
If we could have an "Ignores Clip Cube" toggle *by layer* than the would mean we could use 3D CC do do details; rather than needing to have to do a self-reference.

And if/when we can have 3D CC *fences* that will be the other thing that would remove the need to have a self-reference; in order to be able to reuse important parts of our drawings for details. This ability is at the root of efficient, smart CAD work, in my opinion.
#64512 by joshhuggins
Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:29 pm
Neil Blanchard wrote:If we could have an "Ignores Clip Cube" toggle *by layer* than the would mean we could use 3D CC do do details; rather than needing to have to do a self-reference.

And if/when we can have 3D CC *fences* that will be the other thing that would remove the need to have a self-reference; in order to be able to reuse important parts of our drawings for details. This ability is at the root of efficient, smart CAD work, in my opinion.
Do clip cubes export to DWG?
#64516 by Mark Bell
Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:01 pm
Another idea I forgot to mention is adding the ability to save multiple CC views and add a unique name/label to the clipcubes. Sort of like the GTV + CC combination we have now but one step further where the CC settings are retained and displayed for a saved CC view. I think it's important to be able to quickly see the z-b/z-h settings without having to turn off the CC then edit the z-b/z-h to see what the last settings were. Often, with large xrefs etc. this can take up to 4-5 minutes whilst it refreshes and redisplays everything. Being able to pass the mouse of the CC boundary or CC icon and have a text flyout display for the z-b/z-h would be a good time saver.

Another wishlist is being able to ctrl-right click (or similar) of the boundary of an existing clipcube and then being able to edit it dynamically - move the CC live on screen or stretch one of more sides to adjust the boundary without having to create a new CC boundary - sort of similar to editing a xclip.

With the export to DWG, you need to bind the xref as a symbol before exporting to DWG.
#64517 by Mark Bell
Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:27 pm
The knockouts are a great feature and I'd like to add a few enhancements:

1. Allow knockouts the ability to ignore color fills,

2. In many examples a symbol is placed over a hatch pattern and often a color fill at the same time. It would be a huge time saver to have symbols automatically cutout anything below it. The example below shows some furniture items placed over a color fill and hatch pattern. The hatch pattern requires voids adding around each furniture symbol to prevent it going through the symbol. If the symbols are redefined with a knockout added (tricky), the color fill is also cut out and it's also tricky to get the linework over the cutout. Ideally it would be good to simply drag and drop symbols and have the ability to cutout graphics under the symbol whether this be a hatch pattern, other linework etc. but allow the option of ignoring color fills.

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