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#64745 by Bob
Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:14 pm
Hi All,

Could someone tell me how to change the tax rate applied in symbols reporting. I recently decided to try using this feature for some estimating. I can find where to change the item price but not the tax rate applied to it. I only wish 4% was what we had to pay.

Thanks in advance,
#64746 by Roger D
Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:46 pm
You will have to edit the report form file in C:\DataCAD 16\Report Forms

Don't let the format get to you just change the 0.04 to .0? your rate
If you are using DCADCost report, it looks like

 @aaaaaaaa  @bbbbbbb  @ccccccc  @ddddddd  @eeeeeee  @gggg @hhhhhhhh @iiiiiiiiii

                                      @jjjjjjjjjjj  @kkkk

                                                       @lllllllllll @mmmmmmmmmm
                                                       @nnnnnnnnnnn @oooooooooo
                                                       @ppppppppppp @qqqqqqqqqq
T= 'Title'
a= \L 'Item Name'
b= \L 'Manufact.'
c= \L 'Model No.'
d= \L 'Remark 1'
e= \L 'Remark 2'
g= \R 'Qty.'
h= \R 'Unit Cost'
i= \R 'Total Cost'
n= \R 'Tax (4%):'

A= <Item name>             ! write the name of every symbol
B= <Manufact.>             ! write the manufacturer
C= <Model No.>
D= <Remark 1>
E= <Remark 2>
G= <#>                     ! write out the number of symbols loaded
H= <Cost>                  ! write out the cost of each
I= G * H                   ! total cost for this symbol
k= [G]                     ! quantities
m= [I]                     ! total cost for all symbols
o= m * 0.04                ! calculate 4% tax
q= m + o                   ! grand total = total + tax

Just change the one line and save as a text file
Code: Select allo= m * 0.04                ! calculate 4% tax

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