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#65165 by joshhuggins
Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:19 pm
The names have been changed to protect the innocent (Gungan).

Obi-Wan: "Hey I am trying to export this file that JarJar worked on, but when I export it, it just comes out as a single line in the DWG file. Any ideas?"

Qui-Gon: "Lets just take a look. Hmm which view?"

Obi-Wan: "The floor plan."

Qui-Gon: "Well your export settings look right. Lets zoom extents. Oh yeah, there is your line right there. JarJar must have accidentally added a huge line to the file at some point."

Obi-Wan: "How big is that line?"

Oui-Gon: "Here lets identify it. Holy hand grenades! It's 9.119789e16! Oh we have to figure out how long this thing is. (grabs calculator) It's 2,289,584,341,314,889.92 feet long!"

Laughter ensues.

P.S. - Don't erase a line that is 9.119789e16' and then try to undo the erase ;)
#65168 by joshhuggins
Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:13 am
:lol: If we did leave it, they probably would. :wink:
#65172 by MtnArch
Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:53 pm
Contractor response: "We didn't bid the line - see where on the bid it says 'Line omitted'?"

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