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#65843 by Clayton Taylor
Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:39 am
To all,

I've had some circumstances on the current project whereby I've religiously grouped certain items & when revisited for editing/moving etc I've found they have mysteriously become ungrouped, to much annoyance.. :evil:

Apart from doing something fundamentally wrong, I just can't figure out why this is happening. The only thing I can remember last time was moving a whole sectional profile to another layer. I'm aware when you copy stuff you can keep groups, which I do for grouped items.

Any ideas what could be the cause of this little annoyance will be most appreciated.


Further to the above, I confirm grouped items become ungrouped when moving to another layer. I'm sure they remained grouped before, but will bow to any DataCAD experts who can shed some light on this.

Over & out,
#66059 by artmanvt2000
Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:26 am

I too am having the same problem. I am working on a renovation project and instead of erasing existing conditions, I simply move the existing items to a demo layer. Every time I move groups to the demo layer, I am even selecting the items using groups, the group becomes broken. I hope someone can answer this.
#66060 by MtnArch
Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:30 am
I believe that this may be fixed in the next update - but DC LLC would have to confirm or deny that.
#66063 by Clayton Taylor
Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:18 am
Clayton Taylor wrote:To all,

I've had some circumstances on the current project whereby I've religiously grouped certain items & when revisited for editing/moving etc I've found they have mysteriously become ungrouped, to much annoyance.. :evil:

Apart from doing something fundamentally wrong, I just can't figure out why this is happening. The only thing I can remember last time was moving a whole sectional profile to another layer. I'm aware when you copy stuff you can keep groups, which I do for grouped items.

Any ideas what could be the cause of this little annoyance will be most appreciated.


Further to the above, I confirm grouped items become ungrouped when moving to another layer. I'm sure they remained grouped before, but will bow to any DataCAD experts who can shed some light on this.

Over & out,

Heck......that took a few weeks to squeeze out a DC HQ reply.
This bug really bugs me, I thought I was going.....CAD bonkers... :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:
#66064 by artmanvt2000
Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:27 am

Until this bug is fixed, you can use the clipboard select and cut and paste the entities. Your groups will be maintained. Just toggle to the layer you want to move the entities to.
#66065 by Clayton Taylor
Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:37 am
artmanvt2000 wrote:Clayton,

Until this bug is fixed, you can use the clipboard select and cut and paste the entities. Your groups will be maintained. Just toggle to the layer you want to move the entities to.

Good call, I use the clipboard/copy/paste select quite a lot, but never discovered this one... 8)

Thanks Arthur.

Over & out,
#66398 by gregg kett
Thu May 14, 2015 5:12 am
hi guys I just noticed this comment, ive been having a grouping problem for a while now after several updates since V16. im on the latest V17.02 now.
im having a problem when moving by group on THE SAME LAYER , have asked datacad but nothing forth coming. to their defence its difficult to explain but some how a layer or several layers get contaminated at some stage and the grouping is lost.
other layers in the same drawing don't have the problem. I can copy the information to a new layer and the groups remained grouped but if I do anything on the contaminated layer the grouping is lost.
I thought it was me or my mouse or computer but it seems others out there may be having the same problem.
IM NOT TALKING ABOUT MOVING BY GROUP TO ANTHER LAYER which was I believe was fixed in the latest update.
the problem is MOVING BY GROUP on THE SAME LAYER, a contaminated layer. its a pain in the butt. excuse the expression, but it is frustrating even an arrow gets separated from its head when moved , lines of text get ungrouped . I have tried to recreate each function that I do in a drawing but cannot narrow it down. it just happens sometimes and at random , not all layers or not all drawings have the problem. I sent the drawing to a colleague down the road who uses datacad and he had the problem with the specific layer in my drawing on his computer, but none of his drawings seem to get this problem.
I think its truly a gremlin lurking in there somewhere. I don't think you can call it a bug because its not consistent
sorry to rave on but if you find a solution let me know cheers
#66403 by joshhuggins
Thu May 14, 2015 12:44 pm
If it's only on specific layers I would force save the file, copy all the contents of the layer in questions to the clipboard, create a new layer paste the contents on the new layer by Absolute Zero to make sure they align their self, and then delete the layer in question, then close and save the drawing. If you have any issues deleting the bad layer I would use the File, Purge tool to create a new purged file.
#66432 by gregg kett
Mon May 18, 2015 8:53 pm
thanks for the reply I do actually cut and paste to fix the problem, but how can I avoid the problem in the first place.
its a pain !! copy and paste to new layer, delete old layer then update GTVs. then update each plot sheet with new GTV used in the plot sheets. then do this several layers, have a coffee to calm down waste time and stress checking you have not missed a layer or an update in the process.
if not all users have this problem whats different with my installation of DCAD.
I don't like to winge but jeeeeeze somebody help.

#66439 by joshhuggins
Tue May 19, 2015 11:51 am
gregg kett wrote:thanks for the reply I do actually cut and paste to fix the problem, but how can I avoid the problem in the first place.
its a pain !! copy and paste to new layer, delete old layer then update GTVs. then update each plot sheet with new GTV used in the plot sheets. then do this several layers, have a coffee to calm down waste time and stress checking you have not missed a layer or an update in the process.
I think all the grouping issues since mid v16 to now are all related to the recent string of grouping issues we have been seeing and should hopefully be all squished soon.

gregg kett wrote:if not all users have this problem whats different with my installation of DCAD.
I rarely have corrupted entity or layer issues these days, maybe 1-2 a year, if that. When I do, it's usually dealing with either entities imported from a DWG file that has/had proxy entities that were created using some sort of addon for AutoCAD like a HVAC or topo designing package. Or the other common issue is when I dig back into our old plans that were created in the DC5 era. We had a group of netcards in our PC's back around 1999-2000 that would write back corrupted data in our DC5 files when saved back to the server. We were having a lot of corruption issues with our files and constantly getting fault errors. Datacad staff was actually was in our office in our office one day (I forget who it was now, Rick Morse maybe?) demoing Datacad Plus for us when I asked them if they were having issues with corruption. They said they hadn't heard of any issues from Datacad users but had heard recently that a set of netcards using a Realtek chipset were indeed having issues and sure enough we had one of the two chipsets in question. Swapped out our netcards with Intel based cards and sure enough errors in our new files were next to none going forward. I had to go thru the process of creating new base files and using layer utility macros to get our existing data cleanly into our new base files.

I tell you all that to say this, that there can be one of any number of issues that could have happened recently or back who knows when. The best bet if you are having lots of issues with layers other than this grouping issue is to take notes of when you have issues, see if you can find any correlation in the issues and to see if recreating your base files completely helps. I would purge my base files, then use the copy and paste method to recreate them. If you are a subscription subscriber or priority service user, you can have Datacad take a look at the file and maybe they can help point you in the right direction as to what they see in the database that can be causing the issue, and then maybe using the purge tool to leave behind the trouble layer might be enough. Not fun stuff to do, but getting & keeping your base files clean and stable is important.
#66486 by gregg kett
Wed May 27, 2015 2:05 am
Mark Bell wrote:Can the array function (copy-array) also retain grouping of the copied items as it used to. Thanks.

hi again no when copying by array the grouping is lost also.

even my home laptop with DCAD v17 has a same problem where grouping as lost.

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