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#65935 by artmanvt2000
Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:56 pm
I am attempting to use text with knockouts on a very busy ceiling plan. The knockouts show on the drawing and on the sheet layout. However when I print or bring up the print preview the knockouts go away. I must be missing a setting. Would someone please let me know what the problem is.
#65936 by joshhuggins
Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:08 pm
What method do you print with? WYSIWYG? Pen Sort?
#65937 by artmanvt2000
Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:15 pm
Turning off the Pen Sort fixed the problem. Like I said I was missing a setting.
#65939 by joshhuggins
Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:30 pm
Do you mean you have an entity that has knockout enabled, that is being xrefed, and when you have xclip enabled on the xref, the knockout does not knockout any more? If not can you please elaborate a bit as there could by 10 different thinks going on with your question.
#65940 by artmanvt2000
Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:38 pm
I see the confusion Josh. It is text on top of a clipped xref. The text is separate of the xref, which is clipped down.
#65958 by joshhuggins
Mon Feb 23, 2015 12:31 pm
Few side questions to your first.
1. Do you normally have Pen Sort & WYSIWYG turned off?
2. Under View, Knockouts, is Knockout display turned on?
3. Are you using Compatibility Mode? I recommend using compatibility mode. it's a little more complex but once someone understands how the display and print layering/ordering works it gives you much more granularity than with compatibility off. Being able to knockout some things but leave some others, plus it's DWG compatible makes compatibility mode the bees knees. Non-Compatibility mode just knocks everything out no matter what the display/print ordering.

So couple of possibilities on the display end of things. So regardless of your print output settings, the display order determines the on screen layering/ordering. It's the same as layering bitmaps, so depending on your Display menu, Layer Order setting, if you....

- Have In Order set, and the xref is on a different layer that comes after the knockout entity's layer. That would not show the knockout effect on the xref.
- Have Last set, and the xref is on your current active layer and the entity with the knockout is on another layer, the xref on the active layer would always be drawn Last or on top of the knockout thus the knockout would not be seen.
- Have In Order or Last set, and the xref and the knock out entity on the same layer, then you would want to use the Move, To Back or Behind command on the xref to force the xref to the bottom of that layers display order so the knockout would be above the xref so it can knock it out.

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