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#66344 by joeferguson
Sat May 02, 2015 5:32 pm
Why do I seem to get the wierd questions?

Something has changed in my DC17 operation. Formerly, when I used reference points, I would press the tilde to invoke reference points, then click to snap to the point of reference, then hit the spacebar to enter my distance to draw the new line.

Now something has changed and I now need to press the tilde key TWICE and then snap TWICE in the same spot and then enter the distance via keyboard as I used to.

Everything still works OK but the need to hit the keys twice is messing up what little rhythm I have.

Anybody know what I did? When I started using DC 17 the single press worked OK, then something changed to require the double press, then something changed again to require single press. And now I am back to double press.

Gotta be something I did.
#66347 by joshhuggins
Sat May 02, 2015 11:49 pm
I can't even think of what might cause something like this with both the keyboard and mouse. Any issues with any other programs? Other Datacad commands? Have you or Windows updated any drivers?
#66351 by joeferguson
Sun May 03, 2015 3:30 pm
Interesting comment, Josh.

Now that you mention it, when I email, my " quotation mark requires a single strike PLUS tap the space bar before the mark appears on screen. Same for the `tilde, same for ' single quote or apostrophe. Other punctuation appears normal. Same issue in MS word.

I tried a different keyboard. Same issues. But given my issues with word processing, it seems likely the problem is not with DC.

The rest of DC seems to work normally. I haven't deliberately changed any drivers but Windows sometimes updates on its own.

I will take this up with my IT guy.
#66352 by joshhuggins
Sun May 03, 2015 4:15 pm
Yeah sounds like something thing else is going on if your seeing what you posted above. Best of luck hunting it down, know those kind of jobs can be a bear. :?
#66354 by joeferguson
Sun May 03, 2015 6:08 pm

Turns out I accidentally invoked the international keyboard setting in windows (windows key + spacebar). My IT guy told me how to switch back to good ol' Canadian (or US) keyboard and now everything works again.

Hope this saves somebody else a little time.

#66355 by joshhuggins
Sun May 03, 2015 6:20 pm
Good one to know, thanks for posting the answer!

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