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#66828 by Harald Weyrich
Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:46 pm
We're having problems working with x-ref's as the mouse skips, we're unable to execute commands or snap without hesitation.

Any suggestions as we have 16 gig of memory and zero patience! :x

Is there a way to control how much we can allocate to DCAD? At one time I think we were able to (back in the day).

Problem goes away when the layer with the x-ref (s) are turned of but that defeats any purpose.
#66830 by MtnArch
Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:36 pm
Does the xref have a lot of hatching? Have you tried purging everything from the xref'd file that you can? Are there self xref's within the xref? Have you tried turning off some of the xref'd layers within the AEC file to narrow down what layer may be causing this?

Just a few thoughts ....
#66832 by Harald Weyrich
Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:20 pm
It's hard to determine what constitutes a lot of hatching and yes, everything purged.

We use DataCad to produce storefront/curtain wall shop drawings and the hatch consists only of one type of hatch to define metal panels and it's limited.

We've done full-blown architectural contract documents that I would have considered to have substantially more hatch patterns in the x-ref's.

The hatch is all associative.

Turning off the x-ref hatch layer does not make a difference but turning the layer(s) where the x-ref's in the target drawing reside off does.

I turned the x-ref hatch layers off with full refresh before opening the target drawing in the source drawing with not positive results.

I had the same problem with a prior Dell Inspiron but the machine was slower so the delays not as noticeable.

I'm not well versed enough with where DataCad allocates display list memory. Back in the day we used a ram disk and were able to have DCad write to that.

Thanks for the response.
#66833 by MtnArch
Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:46 pm
Hi Harald -

Great responses - thanks!

Are there multiple xref's on the same layer - maybe multiple of the same? If you open the xref'd drawing, are there other xref's that are in it? My guess (and it's just a WAG ...) is that there are some nested xref's that are playing havoc in the final AEC file.

Don't know if this helps, but hopefully it will zero in on what the problem is!

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