What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#67486 by Mark Bell
Fri Nov 06, 2015 12:22 am
Enhance the dimensions to include associative angular dimensions that automatically adjust as the angle is changed and the arrow is linked together similar to standard associative dimensions rather than individual line segments.
#67488 by Neil Blanchard
Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:49 am
Yay Dave! That is a better place for it - that's why you're the programmer!


Mark Bell wrote:Enhance the dimensions to include associative angular dimensions that automatically adjust as the angle is changed and the arrow is linked together similar to standard associative dimensions rather than individual line segments.

Hear, hear! Having an independent arrow style for angle dims would be helpful, too.
#67501 by Mark Bell
Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:43 am
1. We currently use knockout + border to the text used to denote slab RL's / FSL's / FFL's etc. It would be good to be able to 'attach' a smart/intelligent text marker to the finished surface of a covered polyline or 3D slab.

2. The options could be - the height marker automatically uses the top of slab/covered polyline/fill Z-height as the RL, or, it allows the user to input a height/RL (customisable text) similar to using prefix/suffix with dimensions,

3. If the slab is moved up/down, the RL automatically adjusts, so it is accurate to the top surface and always displays the correct RL (or height).

4. In simplistic terms, having an adjustable text marker that records its height relative to a given point (z-b=0 or user defined) is the wishlist.
#67502 by Mark F. Madura
Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:41 am
Mark Bell wrote:4. In simplistic terms, having an adjustable text marker that records its height relative to a given point (z-b=0 or user defined) is the wishlist.

How about a set of stamps?

@z-base, @z-height, @x-coord, @y-coord, @z-coord
#67507 by Mark Bell
Sun Nov 08, 2015 5:18 pm
G'day Mark,

Yes that should work okay. Ideally, the stamps would need to allow the front of the text to be editable, (RL, IL, FFL, FSL etc.) = RL.@z-height which would display as RL.577.184 and also allow a knockout + border option as well.

The other use beyond plan drawings is on elevations/sections and this may require an origin point (NGL or L1 slab) to be set as the zero point or nominated RL value then the upper floors would display the correct value and adjust correctly if the floor-floor heights are adjusted.
#67508 by Mark Bell
Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:07 pm
Allow the ability to see the actual text when placing or change-text-position with dimensions rather than just a bounding box outline of the text. In tight or busy areas it gets hard to place the text accurately first go so being able to see the actual text would be useful.
#67511 by Mark Bell
Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:37 am
Add the ability to Identify-SetAll on a dimension that already has knockout + X and Y values preset so that the new dimension has these settings enabled. Presently, you have to ctrl-right click to turn on knockout, then repeat to set the x-value, then repeat to set the y-value....and repeat if you want the border turned on. Alot of clicks which could be simplified. ... maybe;

ctrl-right click to display the menu which shows Knockout at the bottom, then placing the mouse over knockout displays a submenu with:

Knockout -------- knockout on/off
----knockout + border
----knockout + border + set x value
----knockout + border + set y value
----knockout + border + set x value and y value
----knockout + set x value
----knockout + set y value
----knockout + set x value and y value

...there could even be a simpler way :?:
#67512 by Mark Bell
Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:44 am
And add the ability to preset the x and values and border on/off - maybe in the preferences or dcadwin.ini file as the x=1 y=1 is often too big. Having these values preset will mean less time in changing them later.
#67520 by MtnArch
Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:05 pm
I think this has been wished for before but I'll ask it again ...

The ability to set the snap angles for both standard AND tangents at the same time, instead of having to set them independently.
#67616 by Mark Bell
Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:05 pm
Wishlist - draw a line from point A to point B through existing linework, then pick Line Break and every line that crosses the point A-B line automatically does a partial erase (twice at the point of intersection) effectively breaking the other linework into two lines. This is useful if wanting to break a number of line entities then change the linetype to say dashed so denote they're behind something but still visible on the sheet, ie external fenestration that in elevation is obstructed by something in the foreground but still needs showing. This saves having to partial erase (twice) for each individual line entity.

Wishlist 2 - allow this command for a polyline
#67617 by joshhuggins
Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:09 am
Mark Bell wrote:Wishlist - draw a line from point A to point B through existing linework, then pick Line Break and every line that crosses the point A-B line automatically does a partial erase (twice at the point of intersection) effectively breaking the other linework into two lines. This is useful if wanting to break a number of line entities then change the linetype to say dashed so denote they're behind something but still visible on the sheet, ie external fenestration that in elevation is obstructed by something in the foreground but still needs showing. This saves having to partial erase (twice) for each individual line entity.

Wishlist 2 - allow this command for a polyline

Excellent ideas!
#67618 by Mark Bell
Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:03 am
...another scenario with this could also include Partial Erase ALL - draw a line from Point A to B (or polyline) which highlights everything that crosses the line, then click on the side you want everything to the partially erased.
#67629 by wvar
Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:37 pm
Can we please have the ability to dim specified layers in the Layer Manager. It will certainly help when modelling buildings with more than one storey.

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