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#67105 by jbudkoski
Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:40 pm
Just a few observations thus far.

1. 10 has decided that Dcad 17 is an unknown proggie and warns me everytime I load - how to turn this off?
2. Importing a ACAD 2012 dwg will freeze up DCAD 17 in Windows 10.

Everything else appears to work fine.
#67196 by jbudkoski
Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:59 pm
Well it actually worked itself out. Windows 10 seems to attempt to reconcile how you do things. But that's just this little ole southern goober's way of looking at it. Everything is working perfectly and I have noticed an increase in speed since I'm one of those Xref'ing monsters.
#67515 by Hundreds of Bears
Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:35 am
I often have problems importing newer DWG files into DataCAD - the work around I use is save AutoCAD file (.DWGs) down to dwg R14- which is and older file format.

I use Draftsight to work with DWG files, it's a free program, and if you've ever used AutoCAD at all it's really easy to work with ... -download/
#67567 by jbudkoski
Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:46 pm
Cool. Thanks for the info. I have noticed that I have to translate DWG files into older AutoCAD versions. Right now I'm using file viewers and conversion programs form the open drawing alliance website.

I did have a duh moment when I realized I had pen sort turned on. Turning it off really increases plot speed when making PDF's.
#67585 by jbudkoski
Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:44 pm
Only thing now that's an issue is that every once in a great while, DataCAD just exits without warning. I've only had this happen twice - today being the second time.
#67587 by MtnArch
Thu Nov 19, 2015 12:53 am
More of a long shot, but this could also be related to Acad's use of "proxy objects" that their various trade-specific packages (like "Architectural") use instead of blocks (symbols). If what you're importing utilized a lot of proxy objects it could crash the translator.

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