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#67564 by The Canuck
Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:19 pm
So the last couple days have been frustrating to say the least.

Yesterday on one project, if I wanted to move something to a different layer, or turn off a layer, the program would crash. Needless to say, I it took a few restarts and then saves to finally narrow or remember what was causing it before it would crash. Resulting in a few extra hours of trying to get something done.

Today, on a different project, when I am in multi-layout of the plotter command, I can get the sheet/go to view that I want, place it, but then as soon as I try to name it, it crashes. I have tried different sheets, different go to views on those sheets. Nothing is working. Quick Layout will work, and it is my safety net right now, but this is very frustrating to say the least.

How is it that I am getting all these corrupt files all of a sudden, when everything else has been running just fine. Not sure what has changed. Any insight would be much appreciated, as I would like to print some drawings.
#67566 by joshhuggins
Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:21 pm
Are you running Windows 10 with the latest update? You can check your Windows version by clicking the Start button and typing
Code: Select allwinver.exe
and hitting enter. What is the OS build number?
Winver.PNG (14.61 KiB) Viewed 29122 times
#67570 by joshhuggins
Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:27 pm
So there is an issue with the just released Fall Update version of Windows 10 shown above and accessing specific 'pages' of layers in Datacad's layer menus. Using the F# keys to access certain layer commands crashes the drawing. Know how when viewing the layer list in the Datacad's menu you have to hit Page Up/Down to cycle thru the different 'Pages' of layers? At seemingly random pages of layers depending on the drawings makeup, if you use for example Layer, F1 On/Off on one page of layers it will crash, on a different page of layers it will not crash. Similar for Move/Copy, F4 To Layer it will crash on on page of layers but not on another. And it only crashes when using the F# keys to access the layer list. Mouse clicking the buttons does not crash the drawing. Datacad is looking into it now. Below is what I have found causes it so far. My keyboard allows me to disable the F1 & F4 keys which is a big help and I just have to mouse click those positions for now, so if you can do something similar I'd try that. If you can't wait for a fix, you can roll back Windows 10 to the previous build by clicking Start, Settings, Update & Security, Windows Update, Advanced Options, View Your update History, Uninstall latest preview build (the verbiage here might be slightly different).

If someones system has not yet updated to this version yet, they can set Windows 10 to Defer Upgrades under Settings, Update & Security, Advanced Options, until a fix can be found. This will only defer major upgrades to the OS, but still allows security updates to install. This upgrade for Windows 10 fixes a lot of bugs with Windows so it is something we want to have, but this Datacad bug is kind of a deal breaker at this point.

Does Crash Drawing
- Layer, F1 On/Off (Use the mouse to click to avoid crashing)
- Move, F4 To Layer (Use the mouse to click to avoid crashing)
- Copy, F4 To Layer (Use the mouse to click to avoid crashing)

Doesn't Crash Drawing
- Doors, One Layer
- Layer, Active Only
#67573 by The Canuck
Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:41 pm
So very glad to know I am not the only one. Hopefully DataCAD understands what to look for, and can send out an update that will fix this. As I can see a lot of people having issues in the not too distant future as their systems automatically update themselves.

- I am experiencing the Move/Copy,F4 To Layer that you describe, which I noted in the first post. But it doesn't matter if I use the mouse to click the buttons, or use the F# keys. Both instances cause it to crash. And I just reopened the drawing, and confirmed it both ways. But I can have another drawing open, and can do the same command with no ill effect. So it isn't consistent.

- What is consistent is the Multi-Layout causing the drawing to crash when you try to label said drawing. For the time being, Quick-Layout will work as I self-xref drawings within the program. But it makes it a pain when it comes time to print a set.

I am going back to the previous Windows build and will keep checking back in to see what updates DataCAD has.
#67574 by The Canuck
Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:03 pm
Just to confirm what Josh has mentioned in the post.... I went back to the previous build of Windows 10, and everything is working just the way I need/want it to.

Again, hopefully DataCAD can create an update/fix for this in the not too distant future.
#67576 by joshhuggins
Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:16 pm
The Canuck wrote:But it doesn't matter if I use the mouse to click the buttons, or use the F# keys. Both instances cause it to crash.
Wow, o.k. good to know.
#67599 by The Canuck
Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:35 am

Do you know how to restore to the latest build/update? I had Mark & Co. audit a file of mine, and while it works in the previous build, I would like to restore the latest build to see if that helped anything or if I am still running into the same issues.

#67602 by joshhuggins
Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:07 am
The Canuck wrote:Josh,

Do you know how to restore to the latest build/update? I had Mark & Co. audit a file of mine, and while it works in the previous build, I would like to restore the latest build to see if that helped anything or if I am still running into the same issues.


Start, Settings, Update & Security, Windows Update, Advanced Options, View Your update History, Uninstall latest preview build (the verbiage here might be slightly different).
#67878 by vsem
Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:07 pm
Having this same issue for a while now - been working around it - but am tired of doing so.
The sheets that are already set up with go to views work fine - moving them around or rotating is not an issue. Adding a view to a sheet works up until the time a label for the view is needed, then it crashes - every time, every machine. Using DC15, Windows 10/Build 10586.

Any fixes available? Roll back Win 10 further?
Many thanks.

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