What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#67686 by Mark Bell
Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:40 pm
Add the ability to B-Tangents and select a 3D slab so the crosshair aligns with the side of the slab selected. it works for all other entities and would be good to also work with 3D slabs.
#67687 by Mark Bell
Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:43 pm
Add the ability to define a flythrough in Sunshader and save the output so it can be viewed in a standard Windows viewer or Vimeo etc. allowing concepts to be sent to clients and consultants. The animation can be a simple spline path similar to how the DataCAD Visual Reality animation worked.
#67688 by Mark Bell
Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:47 pm
1. Add the ability to allow the RFM to stay open similar to the LM so xrefs can be accessed without the need to wait on reopening it,

2. Also, after a selection has been made, keep the xref position in the xref list rather than defaulting back to the top of the list.
#67689 by Mark Bell
Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:53 pm
Allow the ability to use Change z-b and z-h to change the values to 3D slabs so they work in the same manner as other entities. Presently, they need to be stretched in the plane of view whereas a quick change z-b/z-h would be useful in some situations.
#67690 by Mark Bell
Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:29 am
The Sunshader often shows a lot of unwanted lines in the image. The wishlist is to improve the quality of the output as we use it for more than just sun analysis and find it a useful sketch presentation tool.


note the stray lines across the front panels and parts of the bench top.
#67696 by Mark Bell
Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:05 pm
As we're always looking to improve efficiency and streamline the process there's an opportunity to create a type of linked text which, in theory, would allow each drawing sheet to display a clone of selected text (say drawing sheet title, drawing number and revision number) on the main drawing register. Each time a drawing sheet is updated, say 'Rev. A' becomes 'Rev. B' the drawing register automatically updates and always mirrors what is shown on each drawing sheet where text are linked to another text shown elsewhere, ie. as the revision is updated on a drawing sheet, the corresponding linked text shown on the dwg. reg. also updates so the two are always accurate. This saves time and reduces errors. The same process could also be used for section and detail reference symbols, door/window references and in general any text that is shown on one document but is used a number of times elsewhere and needs to reflect any updates or changes across all references.
It may require the creation of a new type of 'smart' text or expanding the current text attributes to add this feature?
#67736 by Mark Bell
Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:44 pm
Good idea - is it also possible to add a sensitivity-type toggle to the contour search as many we try don't work and after zooming in there is a gap of only 1 or 2 mm. The toggle could allow users to ignore line breaks of 'X' distance during the contour search rather than stop where it encounters a small gap.
#67739 by joshhuggins
Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:04 pm
Mark Bell wrote:Good idea - is it also possible to add a sensitivity-type toggle to the contour search as many we try don't work and after zooming in there is a gap of only 1 or 2 mm. The toggle could allow users to ignore line breaks of 'X' distance during the contour search rather than stop where it encounters a small gap.
#67740 by joshhuggins
Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:05 pm
Enable Masks in Offset?

Must be getting close to holiday time, we are blowing up the wishes today! :mrgreen:
#67851 by Neil Blanchard
Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:03 pm
When placing text, it would be awesome to be able hold the justification line (shift-center snap?) and be able to "slide" along that line and then place the text by clicking where you want it.

This would save either drawing a line and then having to erase it - or having to Justify it afterward.
#67897 by joshhuggins
Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:25 pm
Neil Blanchard wrote:When erasing something, would it be possible for the Attention line say "[Color] Line" instead of just "Line" or even [Color] Line on [Layer Name]?

This would be really helpful, in particular when there are superimposed lines.
Ooo yea that would be nice.

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