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#67853 by mijenix
Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:26 pm
Was wondering if someone could give me a walk through on how to use the Multi Layout function to plot. My CAD file has 13 Goto Views, they are listed below

Cover Page
Piling plan
1st Floor Plan
2nd Floor Plan
Structure Plan
Roof Plan Plan
Sections layouts
Typical sections
Front and Right side elevations
Rear and Left side elevations
Shed Plan
Electrical Layout
Standard General Details
General Notes Info

I have a basic understanding on how it works, but i'm having a problem with the sheet feature, I choose sheet 1 to start with for my cover page, and then I choose sheet 2 for the next page, but the cover page gets over written by the next page I choose. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, and maybe I can't use Multi Layout for plotting each one of my Goto Views. Any help you guys could give would be greatly appreciated.

#67862 by ORWoody
Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:09 am
It sounds as if you are not switching between GoToViews before the next sheet layout. Note that your active GTV that is on the screen when you go into the print menu does not have to be the one that you are inserting on to your drawing for the printed sheet. You change that inside the MultiLayout down at S7 GTV.
There are a couple of ways to switch. You can most easily reset the view from inside the print function and then place that entire view as the main element of the new sheet.
I think that most people use the GTVs as details and place them as one would do if drawing manually.
From your description, it seems to be that you have built your GTVs as entire sheets and that is okay, especially for your early use of MultiLayout. Later, you might use the GTV capabilities for individual "details" that are placed on to the sheets. Think of a small project where you would have a plan, a couple of exterior elevations and some details, all on a single sheet. Since these are at different scales, a single GTV means that some must be enlarged to scale correctly for the print. If you use the multlayout process with separate GTVs as each of these, when you put them on to the sheet, your scale is given as you page up or down. Something to be aware of here is that all of the rules that govern readable size for printed text still applies as you are drawing. If you are drawing a plan (1/4" = 1') and using six inch text in that GTV, you must change the text size and the dimensions settings when you begin to draw a detail for that plan. You have to think about your final printed scale for that detail and change the settings accordingly.

My process for a sheet such as your Cover Page would be:

1. Create a GTV for the Title Block with general information that is common for the project. The title block would be real world scale (i.e. 24" x 36"). That GTV will be the first detail for every sheet in the project. In reality, I have that GTV in a default drawing that also has a similar layerset file. If I need the title block for an older drawing file, I can import the layerset. My title block is also kept in my symbols so that it can be inserted if needed.

2. Create sheet specific GTVs for each sheet (text of drawing name). Each bit of text has is kept on its own layer. This may seem like overkill, but I found that it gives me more flexibility than trying to build an entire sheet, especially when there are drawings that need to be at different scales.

3. Create sheet specific GTVs for each sheet number. See item 2.

4. Begin your layout sequence by laying out your title block GTV on to the Cover Page sheet as a detail. Be sure to name it... perhaps something like "TtlBlk." The detail will be laid out real world scale. Just page down until the scale shown is 12", assuming that you are using Imperial measurements.

5. Copy that detail to the next 12 sheets (in this case since you apparently have 13 drawing sheets anticipated). For ease in case you add a couple of sheets later, doing this for 15 or sixteen sheets is easy and could save time later. You do this so that each time you change sheets, you see exactly what you are working with and have on that sheet.

6. Name each of those sheets that you know you will have. It would be just like you listed.

The temptation is to just plop the GTVs down on individual sheets, but as you become more comfortable with the GTV/sheet relationship, it will probably end up less flexible for you than you expect.
Remember that since each detail is that GTV, you need to have that GTV as the active one prior to inserting it on to the drawing. That's where S7 GoToView allows you to call up the next GTV to use as the detail for your layout.

7. In my case, I would put my sheet specific text GTV and sheet number GTV details on to each sheet at this stage. Both of these detail types go on full scale like the title block detail. This can be done later, but since you are wanting to familiarize yourself with the multi-layout process, this will really give you twenty six practice shots. This is where you will name the details appropriately. i.e. TtlBlk Cover Txt and A1.01. That would be the sheet specific text in the title block and the number of that sheet that was place in the title block.

8. Go back to the Cover Page sheet as F1 and make it active.

9. Make the Cover Page GTV current.

10. Without "exiting" move your cursor off of the menu and into the drawing area. That box will be the cover page. You may need to page up or down to make it scale properly for the title block. This is why my cover page text is always full scale so that I don't have to wonder how it will print. Position the detail and name it. Failing to name the detail has bitten almost all of us at least once, but since you had the twenty six practice shots, you are already comfortable at this point.

Repeat as needed for your next twelve sheets. Put the GTV down on to its specific sheet. Be sure to change the GTV each time or you'll get the cover page for 13 sheets. Been there, done that.

You will probably start creating independent details such as column or door or window details that will have their own GTV. This method of layout makes adding details to sheets quick and easy. At this point, dropping a detail on to a sheet will be simple for you because you have repeated the detail process over and over for that sheet/number series.

If I skipped something or got it a little bit out of order, my apologies. The basic concept is here so a little experimentation will let you realize my mistakes.

Feel free to contact me direct or post here for clarification where needed.

Good luck,
Last edited by ORWoody on Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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