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#67868 by pt7485
Mon Dec 21, 2015 7:51 am
i have tried to read back on posts about upgrading to 10 but have lost track if this is recommended or not. i have windows 8, and datacad lite 17. can someone post detailed intructions about backing up drawings and de-activating datacad please? i am not an everyday user of datacad but i want to stay up to date. also, what is recommended for backing up my drawings, CD-R disks?
#67889 by Ted B
Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:16 am
Purely from an anecdotal-standpoint, from what I've heard from people with actual experience with the Win-10 up-grade; stay with Win-7 or Win-8 as long as possible, forever if possible. Nothing but trouble...

Plus, no-one trusts MS not to insist on expensive annual license renewals OR ELSE...
#67892 by jimgoodman
Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:31 am
Just to balance the anecdotal scales, I have upgraded 4 of our machines and have not had any issues. I really like some of the new features and find that restarts are a bit faster than with Windows 7 or 8.1. Dave and company did a great job of quickly resolving the issue with function keys.

Having said that, if Windows 7 is working, no particular need to upgrade other than to take advantage of Microsoft's offer of the free upgrade.. I just like being out on the leading edge, despite the occasional arrow or two.

A great holiday to the entire DataCAD community.
#67896 by joshhuggins
Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:23 pm
Love Windows 10! The function key issue with Datacad has been my only real issue with it so far, and now that's all fixed up with the latest 18.01 patch for Datacad. Running it on 15 stations at work, and 5 at home. All upgraded for free.
#67906 by MtnArch
Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:57 pm
I haven't had any issues moving to Win10 with any of my computers, but I haven't updated my main work computer (that's in my "Santa List" for Friday/Saturday/Sunday!). Other than the issues noted and addressed by DC LLC for Win10 (and NOT DC LLC's issue) for V17 and V18 I haven't had any problems going to Win10 from Win7 and Win8 on my desktops and laptops.

I prefer the look/feel of Win7, but Win10 has been very stable so far. If you don't have a (relatively) recent computer you will probably experience some issues; my issues are mainly due to older printers that were current as of XP but are ancient relative to Win10.
#67930 by Ted B
Wed Dec 30, 2015 1:44 am
I just read this on Glenn Reynolds Instapundit-site.

Windows 10 covertly sends your disk-encryption keys to Microsoft. And under the “third party doctrine,” the government can get them from Microsoft without a warrant. But wait, there’s more: Windows 10 has many unprecedented anti-user features: a remote killswitch that lets it disable your hardware; keylogging and browser-history logging that, by default, sends it all to Microsoft, and a deceptive “privacy mode” that continues to exfiltrate your data, even when you turn it on.

And I've always avoided the Apple evil Mothership in the past, but hmmmmm....

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