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#68114 by DBrennfoerder
Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:24 am
A long time ago, there were 8 or 10 of us drafting on various jobs. The system we used was to have each guy as a terminal worker and all DataCAD was on a separate, otherwise unused CPU that we named "LOBO" (have no idea where that name came from).

Now, we're 2 guys, working on separate stuff, me mostly prelim and 3d stuff, the other on condocs, with his output still stored on LOBO. MicroSoft, in its infinite wisdom has upgraded far beyond XP and soon will no longer recognize LOBO. I would like to eliminate the complications and expense of a separate individual CPU on a network and would like to move all of those old DataCAD files to a new portable hard drive. All of our x-Ref's are linked to LOBO, can I name the new portable hard drive "LOBO" and have all previous x-Ref's perform seamlessly, or will each and every one have to be redefined, repathed, or whatever?

I want to minimize the complications. My other option is a new CPU and just name it LOBO.
#68116 by Aaron Ben-Avraham
Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:15 pm
Hi Dwight. If you want to directly attach the portable drive to one of your computers (via USB2/3, esata etc), you wold need to rename that machine on the network to Lobo (not the drive itself) after removing the existing Lobo machine.

A better alternative would be to purchase a NAS (Network Attached Storage) device (which you can name Lobo). The down side is that they are typically more expensive than a portable hard drive that attaches directly to your PC.

You should also check your router as some models actually have a USB port which will allow you to turn any direct connect portable USB drive into a Network attached storage device simply by plugging it into the router via USB.


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