What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#67934 by Roger D
Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:52 am
I don't this you can apply a knockout to a symbol as an entity, but you can within the symbol make the items have a knockout on. You could also add in the symbol an polyline outline of the symbol and set that to having a KO on.
#68156 by Mark Bell
Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:15 pm
We'd love the ability to xref a Word file so that any changes to the text could be done in Word and instantly updated in DataCAD via the xref. This would allow specifications, product info, BCA clauses etc. (or extracts of) to be quickly inserted and updated when the source file(s) are amended.
#68157 by Mark Bell
Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:50 pm
When we Identify a smart door or window the unit height, z-b and z-h (sill and head) info shown but not the door or window opening size (width/length). Can this info be added to the identify readout so we can quickly find out the lengths of windows or door openings using the Identify command?
#68245 by Mark Bell
Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:29 am
Presently, if wanting to copy and paste smart walls from one floor level to another the copied entities retain the z-b/z-h of the floor level they were copied from. When pasting the smart walls to another floor level they import at their original RL's (z-b/z-h).

Wishlist - add the ability in the Edit/paste command to allow pasting at the Current Z-b so the entities can be inserted at the current default user z-base. All a user has to do is Alt+I on a wall (assuming z-by layer isn't active) and then paste the copied entities.

Another wishlist - when Alt+I (identify - set all) is used on a smart wall, have the '=' toggle automatically turn ON if it is off so that a user is ready to draw using smart wall entities. Similarly, Alt+I on a 2D entity (or any other non-smart entity) would automatically turn OFF drawing by smart walls.
#68250 by Mark Bell
Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:54 am
Add the ability to Search and Replace text in a drawing using EGAFS. This would be useful in instances where a product name/reference has been used or tags added on drawings then need amending.
#68251 by Dave
Wed Feb 17, 2016 3:50 am
Mark Bell wrote:Another wishlist - when Alt+I (identify - set all) is used on a smart wall, have the '=' toggle automatically turn ON if it is off so that a user is ready to draw using smart wall entities. Similarly, Alt+I on a 2D entity (or any other non-smart entity) would automatically turn OFF drawing by smart walls.

Dave G is working on it, Identify/setall/draw. After identify/setall you will be left ready to draw. Indentify a circle draw a circle, line/line, smartwal/,smartwall etc. I'm sure it won't be to far away now.... he told me it was on the list :) :)

#68261 by Dave
Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:26 pm
Mark Bell wrote:Thanks Dave....sounds good to me :lol:

He didn't say how long the list was ....
#68270 by Mark Bell
Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:04 pm
When linework has been drawn over an xref and Identify or a selection is made, have the selection order place the xref to the back of any selection so it becomes the last entity to be selected.
#68271 by MtnArch
Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:06 pm
Nice wish, Mark - I'll second the motion!
#68278 by Mark Bell
Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:51 pm
When using Knockout + Border, add the options to:

1. Use a different colour (which equals pen thickness) to the knockout border,

2. Vary the border style, ie. include fillet and chamfer to the border,

3. Vary the linetype used, ie. solid, dashed, dotted etc.

4. Add the option to include a drop shadow (good for labels on presentation drawings),
#68290 by Mark Bell
Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:18 pm
Update the Search and replace command for smart entities to place the active smart wall/door/window at the top of the search list, or place it in the Find field when opening the menu. This quickly allows an Identify-Set-All option on say a smart wall, open the S+R menu to have the active wall type already shown ready to select a replace option. Alternatively, the selection is placed at the top of the find <Any> list on the pulldown.

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