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#68359 by Briarmead
Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:09 am
Hi, I have just upgraded to Windows 10 and have re-installed DataCAD 17 as part of the upgrade.
I am trying to re-set my customized keyboard shortcuts and for unknown reasons, I am not able to save the DATACADWIN.MCR file ( located in 'C:\Program Files\Support Files\DCADWIN.MCR' ).
Could you please help me.
Many thanks,
#68361 by joshhuggins
Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:28 pm
You really should have Datacad installed somewhere other than the Program Files folder, preferably at the default path of C:\DataCAD 17. That's probably why your having issues saving to the Program Files location. Datacad changed the default path of the installers several versions back to the root C: because of issues like this when Windows started to protect files in the Program Files dir. If you can't change your install location for some reason right now, then try saving the MCR file to your desktop, and then copy and paste the file into your Datacad location using File Explorer. You will probably have to do this for any customized files in Datacad. Could become time consuming to keep up and figure out why something may not be working or crashing when Datacad can't write to files in the Program Files folder location.

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