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#68606 by GARY247
Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:30 pm
I have a contour polyline that is yellow. I have it as no. 4 pen with the box clicked to map to color black and in the print preview it still shows as yellow. Why won't it print black? I change the line to dark grey with the same box checked and it prints black. If I click on all black it still prints to the line color. Exploding the line does not fix it. Not sure how to fix this.
#68608 by joshhuggins
Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:48 pm
Just some ideas to check.

- If you Identify the polyline does it report back as Yellow?
- Ctrl+Right click on it, and choose Polyline properties. Check settings like the Fill Settings, Change... to see if you might have a color override set.
- Is 'Map fill colors to Pen Colors" checked in the Pen Table?
#68609 by GARY247
Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:10 pm
Identifies as yellow. I have tried everything you said and it still will not print black. Seems to be the color yellow only. The other thing is I bring in a tree symbol that was created in autocad into datacad and set the fill color to 172. I bring it in as a symbol with density at 20 percent and it still prints at 100. The contours and tree were brought in from an engineers drawing (assuming it to have been an autocad drawing). Does this have some sort of override?
#68611 by RParker
Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:43 pm
Is it possible that it views as yellow but is actually a numbered color (like 240)?
#68613 by MtnArch
Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:35 pm
If you open the file in Acad (or BricsCAD or ...) and list/identify it, is it just a polyline? Or is it a proxy? (If it's a proxy I don't think you can explode it).
#68614 by Roger D
Tue Apr 19, 2016 4:16 pm
Do an Identify seet-all on the line.
Then hit the color box next to the layer color.

Yellows Pen.png
Yellows Pen.png (57.28 KiB) Viewed 14099 times

Does the white circle show with the up top yellow or bottom yellow?
#68638 by GARY247
Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:30 pm
We have a tree symbol imported in from an Autocad drawing that was exploded and saved into a tree symbol file. If brought in it the drawing prints as it should but the minute an changes are made to the tree symbol the drawing no longer prints as it should and even if you dump out of it the drawing it is forever affected even if the tree symbol is deleted. What is causing this?

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