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#68846 by stephen t.
Mon May 09, 2016 10:25 am
Hi all,
I'm in the process of trying to create boolean objects to export as stl files for 3d printing.
In DataCad, there a way to transform a 3d symbol, for example, into a boolean object? Or do the drawings have to be created from scratch with 3d entities?

I've attempted to import sketchup models into DataCad and then export them as stl files, but they appear to have lots of 'leaks' in them and are unsuitable for 3d printing without lots of repair.

#68899 by Mark Bell
Fri May 13, 2016 9:57 pm
Hello Stephen,

We recently did a test export to a 3D printing agency and their software accepted a variety of input formats (3DS, DWG, DXF and STL) so you might experiment and send as many as DataCAD exports so they can compare.
We too were told there were a lot of 'leaks' which could be repaired their end (at cost).

You can create 3D boolean objects from symbols (they may need exploding to 3D polygons first) and you may have to do more than one boolean subtraction to get a 'clean' 3D object. Be patient as we've found if the model is complex you think the file has crashed but it eventually comes good and the resultant boolean 3D model is worth the wait. I'd also copy and paste just the entities you are working with into a new 'test' file and create from there.


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