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#69911 by Richard Mauser
Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:11 pm
Jim Goodman, you are a genius!
After a little cogitating and experimenting, I was able to get the format exactly as I want it! The only thing I haven't figured out it the "Title" label, but I'm okay with manually changing that. As long as I have an understandable 'item name', the form fills out great. If anyone is interested, just save the attached FRM file to your 'Report Forms' folder, and it will automatically show up in the Symbol 'Reports' drop-down box.
Its really pretty simple to do, very little trial and error. You don't have to go messing with the program. The info I already had for the symbols is used.
Genius. Thank you, thank you, thank you. If I can figure out how to add the symbol file name into it, I'll post that here.

The file's content is:


@aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @gggg
@jjjjjjjjjjj @kkkk

T= 'Title' @T 0.0
a= 'Item Name'
g= 'Qty'
j= 'Total Items:'

A= <Item Name>
G= <#>

k= [G]
#69912 by jimgoodman
Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:28 pm
We use and count symbols quite a bit on our self-storage projects, so I originally customized one of the FRM files to eliminate some of the information that we didn't need.

I am positive that someone deserves credit for telling me how to do this, but it was so long ago that I can't recall.

Glad it worked out.

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