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#69915 by David Porter
Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:05 am
For the "whatever" category, all ended up fine in southeast Florida after Hurricane Matthew blew through. I am about 15 minutes north of West Palm Beach and 5.8 miles from the ocean. The center of the Category 4 storm eye was 70 miles east of West Palm when it went past me between 10 PM and 5 AM. Was an interesting night with limited sleep. Power went out about a dozen times but only for about 5 seconds each time. Not long enough for the generator to kick on. Went outside at daybreak to be pleasantly surprised to only find lots of small branches covering the ground. No trees down and no structure damage to my house or neighbors' houses. Had winds from the outer eye wall of between 75 and 100 MPH. With the winds and their duration, I was braced for a much worse outcome. The storm provided a true "wind test" for all of the projects I have designed (using DataCAD, of course) since the last hurricane to hit here 11 years ago. Checked with the contractor I do a lot of work with this morning and no calls to him about any problems.

Sun is starting to peak out now and life will get back to normal. Opened up all of the accordion hurricane shutters and daylight is my friend, once again.
#69916 by jimgoodman
Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:16 am
Great news David.

Bob Scott and I were discussing your situation yesterday afternoon which led to the question about which is worse:
1. Hurricanes
2. Tornadoes
3. Earthquakes
4. Wildfires

We have friends in Key West that we spoke with last evening and they weren't even having any rain.
#69919 by David Porter
Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:12 pm
From Ft. Lauderdale and south, they got a little breeze and a little rain. Palm Beach County got about 90% of Matthew's terror. From Martin County up through Daytona, they got 110% of what Matthew had to offer; 120 MPH winds and 11' storm surge because the storm hit at high tide. Today, the storm is on to South Carolina. I have a client near Charleston who had mandatory evacuation orders.

Next, Matthew is expected to take the wackiest path seen by meteorologists. It is predicted to make a u-turn at South Carolina, head back out into the Atlantic, and then head south, arriving this coming week back in West Palm at the exact same position it was at last night. I don't make this stuff up. See the tracking map below.
2016-10-07_14-09-16.png (115.72 KiB) Viewed 7782 times
#69920 by David Porter
Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:16 pm
As my personal opinion about your question of which disaster is the worst, I would have to strongly state an earthquake. With a tornado, one has some warning it is coming. A hurricane, we get a week or more notice it might be heading at us. A wildfire is much the same where there is some warning and direction for it. But, an earthquake? There is no warning and no escaping it, unless one chooses to just not live in a fault region.
#69925 by Robert Scott
Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:12 pm

Glad all is well. I shut down about 3:30 am...was glued to the computer watching this all play out. Quite fascinating from a far!

Jim forgot to add those winter storms and Blizzards to the list.



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