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#70334 by George W. Burns CPBD
Sun Dec 04, 2016 1:09 pm
Hello all,
I just got here from DataCad 8.05. That's what happens when the economy tanks, and it takes you this long to get back on your feet. Anywho, I just upgraded to the full DC19, and don't fully understand.... well.... any of it, but one thing in particular. I have a kick-but laptop, but it is 5 years old. It will have to be replaced soon. And my son, who is a software engineer/IT guy has convinced me I really need to work from a desktop, that I can get a MUCH more powerful hardware setup for half the money.

So, how do I load my one seat license onto my laptop and my future (I suspect my son is going to build me a machine for Christmas) desktop and it still work? I used to be able to go between two with the Hardlock. Is the Hardlock still an option? I'm sure other people do this. I'm just a dinosaur.

George W. Burns CPBD
#70336 by MtnArch
Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:38 pm
I know that someone in the past had a way to authorize and then de-authorize from a batch file (Josh? Ian? don't recall). Maybe search the forums for those posts. Otherwise you would need to de-authorize whichever one you're shutting down and then authorize on the other machine.
#70337 by Paul Nida
Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:43 pm
Create a batch file and put it on your desktop and use that to start DataCAD. It will automatically activate and de-activate DCAD.

cd c:\DataCAD 18
dcadwin.exe /ACTAUTO "LicenseID:???????--password:??????"
dcadwin.exe /DEACTIVATE

Replace the question marks with your license number and password. Use the same batch file on both machines and you shouldn't have a problem.
#70339 by Paul Nida
Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:48 pm
One other thing, to use this method you will need to be connected to the internet each time you start DCAD. If you are going to need to use your laptop in an area where you won't have an internet connection, then be sure to start DCAD on the laptop while connected to the internet and don't de-activate it. The batch file will ask you if you want to de-activate and just say no. DCAD will close normally without de-activating. Then you can start it with the normal icon.

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