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#70606 by George W. Burns CPBD
Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:03 pm
I'm sure this is just a setting I'm unfamiliar with, coming from DC8.05, but I just imported my Architect supervisor's titleblock as a DWG. First thing I noticed was when I tried to scroll in and out, instead of smoothly zooming in and out like it does on my old DC8.05 files (like I assume it should), it pops around the screen. Also, my cursor pops around instead of smoothly moving around. Probably the same issue. Is this a setting?
#70608 by George W. Burns CPBD
Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:33 pm
George W. Burns CPBD wrote:Figured out that "Snaps" was on, and the cursor was "snapping" from grid2 node to grid2 node. Any pointers welcome on how to deal with this stuff/transition from 8.05 to 19.

:lol: :lol: :lol: BECAUSE..... I just alt-I the 24x36 titleblock :lol: it came in as 1 3/16" long. No wonder the snaps was popping around like a mexican jumping bean.

Still, any pointers will be thanked.
#70612 by Neil Blanchard
Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:35 pm
Hi George, you certainly made a big leap there! There are a lot of big improvements - the first thing I would do is read the revision history, and go back all the way to at least v10:

The highlights are Text Scale, Layer Manager, Symbol Browser, XRef's - and self references - and you can save the current plot scale with GTV's, which is really great combination with Text Scale and Symbol Scale and MSP. Check out the massively expanded Program Preferences dialog.

There is a TON of improvements to the interface. I would recommend the new Status Area and the new bigger buttons with the old Projection and Navigation Pads. If you computer can support two monitors - then I highly recommend two monitors:

So, kick the tires, poke the buttons, try things out - and ask any and all questions you have!
#70687 by George W. Burns CPBD
Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:45 pm
Okay, so next question is... With 8.05, I took advantage of the ability of mirroring the interface because I am left-handed. Now that the menus are portable in 19, I moved the main vertical menu over to the right side, but it won't dock like it does on the left side. Am I not doing it right? Point is, I would love to make the interface look as close as what it was in 8.05 for my comfort level and speed of drafting.

ETA: Nevermind!!!! I just figured out you have to drag - not just the menu - but the cursor that is holding the menu into the side of the screen. I'm getting there.
#70689 by Roger D
Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:40 pm

Above is my screen, places all the messages at top, closer to eye level.

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