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#70986 by DBrennfoerder
Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:56 pm
Anyone ever run across this group? I never heard of them. Just had to rescue a lady who paid hundreds to a "certified"
planner for a bedroom and then found that the finance company required an architect. Their
page shows requirement for experience, tests, and fees but no degree. Comment elsewhere says they
Usually charge 3-6%; must be nice to get that without degree! And they give you a logo to use!
Last edited by DBrennfoerder on Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#70987 by joshhuggins
Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:30 am
Think it's probably right up there with AIBD.
#70988 by jimgoodman
Sat Mar 11, 2017 11:04 am
I seem to remember a Building Designer License in California, but it is no longer available. This was supposed to cover design of residential and small commercial projects that do not require an architect, at least per California statutes.

Nevada has a state Residential Design license category.
#70989 by DBrennfoerder
Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:18 pm
Yup, the AIBD. Says you can take a series of tests, just about the same type as I took many years ago to get my architectural license. Locally here in MO, you need to be an architect for most projects, not residential. No "intermediate" level of "certification" is suggested. Seems only to be "bragging points" for somebody who couldn't/didn't get a real registration, but wants to advertise some level of advanced expertise.
#70998 by Robert Scott
Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:19 pm
If I remember correctly the testing is quite advanced and deals with mostly residential.
I never took the exam but I don't see it as a bad thing for those wanting to do residential work.
Keep in mind, most of the projects that building designers take most architects would not touch due to low fees or size of the project.

I can't image a finance company having the requirement of an Architect other than in New Jersey.

An older list: ... -architect

So was the design junk or they just needed a seal?

BTW, yours truly is not licensed and I have nothing against architects. I worked with some talented architects over the years and learned tons. Others...well I wonder what their degree is worth other than the paper as practical skills are nill. Another comment (IMO) is that AIA has failed it's membership terribly when a license can be circumvented by engineers and a lack of licensing requirement in the residential field. The Home Builders Association knows far more about lobbying than the AIA and they help write the rules.
#70999 by DBrennfoerder
Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:55 pm
The design was reasonable, just a 650 sf master bedroom addition to existing residential. The requirement was for an architect's seal, so we redrafted it on our title block and I sealed it. No big deal.
#71000 by Robert Scott
Mon Mar 13, 2017 6:55 pm
Tough lender!

I'm glad you picked up some work but certainly something doesn't sound right here. Of course. we've all seen 650 square foot additions that required an architect or engineer to make happen which is totally separate from requiring a seal.

I'd sure like to know if this is a national lender so I can steer clear of them :)

#71068 by RPadgett
Sun Mar 26, 2017 11:45 am
As was mentioned, the American Institute of Building Design is a national organization founded in 1950 that is primarily oriented towards the residential design market. AIBD also has a certification process, (the National Council for Building Design Certification) which is loosely patterned after the architectural exam, it is a 2 day exam covering areas such as building codes, ethics, structural design, etc. I have found it to be a great group of people, who are trying to raise the standards for residential design. More info can be found at, and if anyone has any specific questions, I would be happy to answer.

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