What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#71458 by joshhuggins
Mon May 08, 2017 5:12 pm
Could TTF's have their outlines highlighted also when they are selected? Right now only the fill changes to grey and if you are zoomed out a bit you can't tell if the TTF's get selected, at least with a few of the fonts we are using.
#71632 by joshhuggins
Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:44 pm
You know how when you are using the Layer Manager and you try to erase all of the current ON layers including the active layer, Datacad erases all of the layers except the active layer? Could it be made so that in these types of cases that Datacad would just turn on the first layer in the drawing and set that layer to active and then execute the erase command on the desired layers?
#71684 by joshhuggins
Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:12 pm
Could the Printer Settings Dialog 'Paper Orientation at Device' get a 4 way option instead of just 2? I constantly have to rotate all of my PDF output from my PDF print driver either 90° or 180°. I've tried adjusting things on the driver side but can't get it any setting to output to match the screen orientation.
Paper Orientation.jpg
Paper Orientation.jpg (117.76 KiB) Viewed 19172 times
#71866 by artmanvt2000
Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:06 am
Josh, you have my votes for the dual headed arrow an tileable textures.

We often have to draw two arrows for various notes. There will also need to be an option to allow different arrow styles on each end.

Tileable textures would save a lot of Photoshop time. We have recently found some great techniques for applying tileable textures to plans and elevations in Photoshop, but the edits after the drawing is edited are time consuming. It would be great to get more of it completed in Datacad.

With the tileable textures, Datacad also needs to support the redefining of images without completely closing Datacad.

I have a couple of Dimension Wish List Items:

1) Allow different arrows on each end. We use arrows to indicate face of finish, tick marks for stud/masonry and circles of centerline of structure. In renovation projects we are often measuring from the face of existing finish to new stud/masonry walls.

2) Have and option to add text under the dimension line. We often add text under the dimension line to indicate clear, minimum or R.O. requirements. It would be nice if this could be associated to the dimension.
#71868 by Paul Nida
Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:50 pm
For 2 headed arrows you might try using dimensions with arrow heads instead of tick marks and turn off the dimension text. You may also be able to use the dimensions prefix text for a note.
#71931 by joshhuggins
Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:06 pm
Could Pen Table locations be remembered per drawing? We have our standard office pen tables which we sync between the stations [PATH] location for Pen Tables, but we often create unique Pen Tables for job specific needs and save the custom pen table to the job folder on our server so we don't end up with hundreds of one time use pen tables in our standard Pen Table folder. Then when we return to another project Datacad looks at the job folder where the last pen table was saved and can't find our standard pen table so it creates the default dcadwin.dpf in that previous job's folder. If drawings could remember where they last loaded the pen table from would be a big help. It would also help when someone else gets into the job that needs to use the custom pen table to be able have it be loaded instead of defaulting to the dcadwin.dpf file when their Datacad station is looking at the location set in their [PATH] value and can't find the custom pen table there.

I know this is kind of a wish for a core change, but maybe if in Version=3.00 of the Pen Tables that gets that 256 pen overhaul Mark Bell and I have been wishing for, maybe this could be implemented then.

EDIT: Add color palettes to this also :)
Last edited by joshhuggins on Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#71936 by jimgoodman
Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:31 pm
joshhuggins wrote:Could Pen Table locations be remembered per drawing? We have our standard office pen tables which we sync between the stations [PATH] location for Pen Tables, but we often create unique Pen Tables for job specific needs and save the custom pen table to the job folder on our server so we don't end up with hundreds of one time use pen tables in our standard Pen Table folder. Then when we return to another project Datacad looks at the job folder where the last pen table was saved and can't find our standard pen table so it creates the default dcadwin.dpf in that previous job's folder. If drawings could remember where they last loaded the pen table from would be a big help. It would also help when someone else gets into the job that needs to use the custom pen table to be able have it be loaded instead of defaulting to the dcadwin.dpf file when their Datacad station is looking at the location set in their [PATH] value and can't find the custom pen table there.

I know this is kind of a wish for a core change, but maybe if in Version=3.00 of the Pen Tables that gets that 256 pen overhaul Mark Bell and I have been wishing for, maybe this could be implemented then.

#71986 by joshhuggins
Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:27 pm
If we open a folder using the Recent Folders option in the Symbol Browser, can that folder be moved to the top of the Recent Folders list?
#72267 by joshhuggins
Fri Sep 08, 2017 6:16 pm
Could we get an ini option to suppress the warning when we open a drawing created by a newer version pretty please? :mrgreen:
#72390 by joshhuggins
Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:13 pm
When doing a Zoom, Extents/Recalc if an xref is on the screen that has been xclipped, could the xclip boundary be used for the extents of the xref rather than the extents of the contents of the drawing being xrefed in?
#72395 by Mark Bell
Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:06 pm
When doing a Zoom, Extents/Recalc if an xref is on the screen that has been xclipped, could the xclip boundary be used for the extents of the xref rather than the extents of the contents of the drawing being xrefed in?

Yes, good idea.
#72396 by David A. Giesselman
Tue Oct 03, 2017 6:34 am
joshhuggins wrote:When doing a Zoom, Extents/Recalc if an xref is on the screen that has been xclipped, could the xclip boundary be used for the extents of the xref rather than the extents of the contents of the drawing being xrefed in?

Do you have an example file where this does not already happen?
#72400 by joshhuggins
Tue Oct 03, 2017 10:57 am
Yup, I'll get it to you shortly. Thanks Dave. Edit: Sorry Dave, I didn't realize my clip was turned off. :oops: It's working fine.
#72403 by David A. Giesselman
Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:58 pm
joshhuggins wrote:Sorry Dave, I didn't realize my clip was turned off. :oops: It's working fine.

#72408 by joshhuggins
Wed Oct 04, 2017 4:05 pm
Would be nice if we could edit P/MText in-place so we could see what our text is doing while we edit it relative to the drawing entities.

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