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#71659 by bchrd
Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:22 pm
I am not having any luck creating holes in a thin slab using Boolean 3D.

I have modeled an 18"w X 44"h X 3/4"thick slab and placed 2" long, 3/4" diameter solid cylinders in a pattern (42 of them) with the cylinders protruding thru both sides of the slab. I pick the main slab, then "continue" then "subtract" the cylinders and then "begin". It takes awhile but then the new slab shows up and from the edge looks like all of the holes are there. When I view the new slab head on, no holes are visible.

I was advised to use the Boolean tool to do this as the Void approach would not work with a cylinder shape.

Any ideas on how to make this work or another approach to making holes in a slab? Thank you.

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