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#71899 by dhs
Sat Jul 22, 2017 5:11 pm
I have just finished my first Delphi macro a few days ago, and sent it to a user for testing. He raised a point which I had already noticed but had not gotten around to asking about:

When you enter the name of a dmx macro in the 'Enter macro filename' dialog you need to enter the '.dmx' extension. This is different to the way it works with dcx files (where the file extension is not required).
This would not be such an issue except that having used a macro once, the name is retained in the dialog next time you go to invoke a macro. But the retained name does not include the file extension. So if you use a dcx macro you only have to invoke the selection dialog and press enter to use the same macro again. But if you invoke a dmx macro you cannot invoke it again in this way (as the file extension is not there).
I guess that it is assuming a dcx extension if no extension is entered, so in the case of the dmx macro it does a file.

I am wondering if others have an opinion about this, or if there is any chance that this could be changed to look for a dmx file if the dcx file is not present?

David H
#71900 by David A. Giesselman
Sun Jul 23, 2017 7:47 am
Corrected for the next update.
#71902 by dhs
Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:07 am
... actually, one more question relating to dmx files ....

I notice that there is a dmx folder created under the macros folder when I installed DataCAD. I assume this folder is created so that dmx macros can be placed there, but I cannot see any reason why they should not be placed in the Macros folder together with the dcx macros. Is there a reason why you would want to place dmx macros in a separate folder ?

David H.

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