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#71966 by PaulR
Mon Jul 31, 2017 9:42 pm
Hi All,

Trying to help out a friend in Washington State. He has a business teaching music and dance lessons to kids 17 and under. In Ohio, this is Used Group B. The plan examiner says this is a Dance Hall, therefore Use Group A. I say it's a B, not A as they teach dance lessons. It's not a place where people go to dance like on a date or the like. The code clearly shows that "Training and skill development not within a school or academic program" is Use Group B. This is shown in the Ohio Building Code, The IBC, and the Seattle Building Code, which governs where my friend's business is. Anyone have any experience with this?

#71968 by Roger D
Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:26 am
What's the room size? Does it fall under the exceptions IBC exceptions 303.1.1, 303.1.2?
#72015 by Ted B
Sat Aug 05, 2017 2:29 pm
Sometimes it's the nomenclature that triggers Code debates on classification. Calling it a "studio" rather than a "school" and avoiding terms like "performance" can sometimes make the difference. "School" can trigger an institutional use-classification depending on the actual design and intended use... Placing a short general note on the drawings outlining the design-intent and rationale of the final outcome of the classification is also a good idea. It memorializes that Bldg. Dept's acceptance of the rationale, and prevents future misunderstandings. Also, try to everyone involved to consistently uses the same nomenclature when referring to the project while under construction.

We ran into this with age-restricted community recreation buildings. Having a "dance floor" or a "stage" triggers all-sorts of undesirable Code restrictions, fire-rating requirements and sprinkler demands...the same with "kitchen" versus "coffee center" or "serving pantry". A "gym" vs. "multipurpose room" for yoga also can get tricky.

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