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#71192 by George W. Burns CPBD
Thu Apr 13, 2017 2:23 pm
First off, I don't understand what a polyline is. That is, I don't understand how it differs from a regular line. How can a LINE have a "cap"? It only has 2 dimensions. so it's NOT a line, right?

Anyway, I have opened a DWG to work on from my Architect, and his storefront systems are made of polylines. I am trying to insert a door, but the ARCH menu, Doors do NOT search or find walls made of polylines. So I would like to convert those poly lines to regular lines. I tried to use explode, but that just made them disappear.

Any ideas?
#71193 by David A. Giesselman
Thu Apr 13, 2017 2:49 pm

Go to the Polyline sub-menu of the Curves menu and select Edit. Now select Poly To Line and select the polylines you wish to convert to lines and arcs.

#71194 by Roger D
Thu Apr 13, 2017 2:57 pm
A polyline is usually a multi sided object, like a square, rectangle, circle, etc.
Your walls might really be rectangles.
Sounds like you would be using the old wall system, so you might also want to run Lin2Wall macro after you have converted, then the 2d doors should cut the walls. Not sure if that still comes with the typical install?
#71196 by David A. Giesselman
Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:22 pm
George W. Burns CPBD wrote:... Grassy-ass amigos!!!!!

LOL! That made me chuckle.

Thanks for the smiles George!
#71980 by Roger D
Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:29 am
Recent change in "Line to Poly" command.
When selecting multiple groups of lines, the new polylines vanish.
i.e. Drawing 5 rectangles. Select "Line to Poly" command, then select each rectangle. items vanish, esp after "U".
I don't see anything, but the Layer count shows multiple items, zoom out/refresh "Invalid Zoom Window defined"
Close and repair, still nothing.

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