Post off topic threads here.
#72988 by DBrennfoerder
Sun Dec 31, 2017 12:17 pm
To whom:
I was attending the DBug meeting via internet but the connection died before Mark got to the meat of the meeting. It has been said that the further discussion talked about the aging clientele and diminishing market share. I know we're getting regular updates, but the software is "mature" and really does well what we really need to do. I don't know how much more can be done to improve it, unless you can come up with a single button "produce condocs" like our clients think we have already.

As far as I can tell from here in fly-over land, advertising is non-existent, so what is being done on your end to maintain viability?
#72991 by MtnArch
Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:41 pm
C'mon, Dwight ... tell us how you REALLY feel?


Only kidding with you. I think we all are looking to Mark/Dave/Clay to let us know what the future of our beloved DC holds for us.
#73012 by Robert Scott
Thu Jan 04, 2018 3:24 pm
As far as I can tell from here in fly-over land, advertising is non-existent, so what is being done on your end to maintain viability?[/quote]

Define Viability?
#73020 by joshhuggins
Fri Jan 05, 2018 3:07 pm
Meant to say thanks to Neil for the effort earlier but got busy with sick kids and holidays (I'm still on week 3 of being sick, :oops: ), so Thanks Neil !!!!

But yeah, was bummed to not hear the Datacad news also. Did enjoy Evan's trivia game though!

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