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#74051 by ROBERT PENN
Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:21 pm
Hi all,

I am having trouble here when I redefine my xref's. I lose any GTV links attached to that x'ref and have to go back to all my Go To Views and re save them with the correct layers on.
Am I missing something when I redefine the xref? This happens whether I redefine through x-ref manager or if I right click the xref and go through the pull up menus.

Anyone have any ideas what i might be doing wrong?
#74059 by David A. Giesselman
Wed Jun 06, 2018 11:13 am
It is indeed a bug and I take the responsibility for it. We are working as quickly as possible to correct it and will post an update to address it.

#74062 by David A. Giesselman
Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:41 pm
Neil Blanchard wrote:Alright - DAVE! :D

Thanks Neil, but I have been doing this long enough to learn that is okay to own a mistake. It's embarrassing and I truly hate making an error that might cause one of my users to lose time. It really puts me in my place as a human. As much as I strive for perfection in everything that I write, my wife (and times like this) reminds me that I am not infallible and am actually capable of making mistakes. It keeps me awake most nights and drives me to "do better". This particular bug was born from (what we in software-development call) the "Ground Hog Effect". It's a bit like the "Whack-a-Mole" game at the local carnival. You smack down one here, and another one pops up over there. I fixed something, and it caused this problem. What I wrote looked correct when I first wrote it, and it looked perfectly viable every time thereafter. It was only after Robert's post that I was forced to look at it through a different lens that I saw my error.

Sorry folks.

#74063 by ROBERT PENN
Wed Jun 06, 2018 5:38 pm
Thanks Dave and Neil,

Although its not good that it is a bug, I'm glad the problem wasn't at my end.
I've been struggling with this for a couple of weeks and pulling my hair out, cos it worked so well for so long and then when it starting happening, I thought I'd twitched something at my end unknowingly to cause this to happen!.

Thanks Dave for owning up to it! I don't feel so silly now :D

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