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#74337 by George W. Burns CPBD
Sun Jul 15, 2018 3:17 am
I just brought in a previously drawn wall section detail from the symbol browser (I had saved said detail as a symbol - will be a time-saver). Anyway, I did my changes for this specific project, and then did a hatch pattern of earth @ 100 scale around the footing, a hatch pattern of earth @ 50 scale in the backfill area, and then a hatch pattern of concrete @ 50 scale inside the monolithic slab area. Then I copied it over to the right to detail another iteration with an awning extension, and all the hatch just.... disappeared. I tried esc. to regenerate. No good. I tired closing down DataCad and reopening. No good. I am loath to redraw the hatches because I suspect they are still there, but I have no way to test if they are or not.
Any ideas?
#74339 by dhs
Sun Jul 15, 2018 4:23 am
DataCAD will display the number of entities copied when you do a copy, so that may give you a clue as to whether the hatches are actually being copied or not ....
I assume that you have checked the obvious possibility of the Lyr Search toggle being off (and the hatches not being on the current layer).
#74340 by Paul Nida
Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:18 am
Have you checked extents to see if the hatches are some place else in the drawing other than where they should be. I have seen this type of thing before. Polylines and hatches (basically filled polylines) are getting worse all the time and at times almost unuseable. I copied a couple of polyllines the other day that complete changed their shape when copied, I erased the copies and retried several times with the same results. I finally erased them and drew the as lines. Hatch patterns are getting to where they slow a drawing down so much it's ridiculous.
#74354 by George W. Burns CPBD
Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:26 pm
Okay, it happened again. This time I noticed what the action was that caused the disappearance. I was using the move tool (move, drag, [and copy], area) on a site plan. As soon as I moved a copy to some open space, the hatch inside the existing structure on the lot (ANSI31 @ 800 scale) disappeared on both. Is there a "thing" where you can't move/copy hatch patterns? At this point I guess I will just wait until I'm mostly done with the drafting before I hatch anything. I will note, this does NOT seem to be a problem with spb-fills, as I have been move,drag,copying my homemade leader tips (small circles filled with the same color to accomplish dots) all over the place.

ETA: I have checked extends. Nowhere to be found. These hatches are just vanishing.
#74355 by George W. Burns CPBD
Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:48 pm
dhs wrote:DataCAD will display the number of entities copied when you do a copy, so that may give you a clue as to whether the hatches are actually being copied or not ....
I assume that you have checked the obvious possibility of the Lyr Search toggle being off (and the hatches not being on the current layer).

Alrighty... I did a little experiment based on your first sentence. Sure enough... they are still there, they are just invisible. I cannot "Identify" them, but I can "move,drag,copy them", and I can "erase" them.

I hatched a piece of driveway with the ANCI31 and it turned out to be 19 lines. I did this on a layer that had nothing on it, so I checked layer manager, and FLATHATCH showed 19 lines. "move,drag,area,and copied" the whole site plan, and the hatching disappeared. Went to the layer manager, and sure enough, FLATHATCH showed 38 lines. I then "move,drag,area,and copied" the area where I knew the invisible lines were over to some free area to the left of that, went back to layer manager, again, FLATHATCH showed 57 lines. Not a single one of them visible. I erased the area where I knew the latest copied group was, and sure enough... "19 lines erased".

What tha heck?
#74366 by George W. Burns CPBD
Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:34 pm
So, as an experiment (that worked, thank goodness), I went and opened a file that I KNEW worked correctly, and move/copied a section of the drawing with some hatch in it. It still worked, so I "X"ed out and copied the file and ran the test again. STILL worked. So I deleted (erased) everything in the drawing, deleted ALL layers except layer "0", and then used "file, import" to import the project I am having trouble with currently. Ran the test and it STILL worked!!! So I "X"ed out, moved the file to the correct work folder, renamed the file to the correct name after deleting the corrupt (?) file, opened it up and am working away with no problems so far. Crisis averted... Because I can not do decent elevations without the use of hatch!
#74398 by Steve Elton
Sun Jul 22, 2018 9:38 pm
I had an issue similar a while back. It all had to do with the z coordinate. I noticed a bunch of my hatch wasn't plotting and when I went to search for it in the go to views with the clip cube on it would not show up. I turned the clip cube off and there it was. Clip cube back on and it was nowhere to be found again. Seems I had somehow set a Z coord to my clip cube view which was outside the z set for the hatch and a couple other things.

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