Ask questions about DataCAD 20, DataCAD LT 20, or previous versions here.
#74381 by Kent A. Wittwer
Thu Jul 19, 2018 5:51 pm
Purchased and installed v. 20. Nothing but a million issues. I suppose I was hoping for a different outcome but nope.

Its slow as a 15 year old dog. Antivirus has already caught it about three times... and then its wiped out... re-pair the install and the keyboard interups are gone... and now a few other programs refuse to work.

ARGH!!! And deadlines.

I swear I hate the computer more and more every day.
#74383 by joshhuggins
Thu Jul 19, 2018 10:05 pm
Sounds like you need to add the Datacad 20 folder as an exception to your anti virus software. Datacad 20 runs pretty much on par with previous versions when using like features. What are the specs of your current computer?
#74385 by Kent A. Wittwer
Fri Jul 20, 2018 5:37 am
joshhuggins wrote:Sounds like you need to add the Datacad 20 folder as an exception to your anti virus software. Datacad 20 runs pretty much on par with previous versions when using like features. What are the specs of your current computer?

Did that with the antivirus... The computer is old just like me. haha.
#74392 by Aaron Ben-Avraham
Fri Jul 20, 2018 2:26 pm
NB>I am running DataCAD 20 on the same computer I used DataCAD x3 on,
NB> and it runs as quickly as x3 did. The computer was built in 2009.

Sorry - not completely related to the thread at hand but I just had to chime in!
Agree! DataCAD is so easy on resources! I so totally dread it when I have to open either Autocad Arch or Revit! They are so pathetically slow and BLOATED! Even Autocad LT is SLOW to open - totally don't understand that at all!
#74418 by Kent A. Wittwer
Mon Jul 23, 2018 12:44 pm
A few things seem to be working like old again BUT the plotting area seems to be crashing every second plot. I save to a pdf file... bombs completely out every second plot.
#74419 by David A. Giesselman
Mon Jul 23, 2018 12:59 pm
Kent A. Wittwer wrote:A few things seem to be working like old again BUT the plotting area seems to be crashing every second plot. I save to a pdf file... bombs completely out every second plot.


Please send me a drawing that is crashing out of PDF creation, I'd like to take a look at it.

#74424 by David A. Giesselman
Mon Jul 23, 2018 1:19 pm
Kent A. Wittwer wrote:Dave, It is any drawing, not one in particular.

And you are using DataCAD's built-in PDF generator, not a third-party driver?

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