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#74436 by Paul Nida
Tue Jul 24, 2018 3:36 pm
We have continued working on version 19 and are just now switched 3 or 4 stations over to 20 in the last few days, but we have already run into a problem. The DCADWIN.EXE file has been renamed to DCADWIN.EXE.000, and DataCAD will not start. We have tried to rename the file by removing the .000 from the file, but it still would not work giving an error. This has happened after closing DataCAD and then trying to restart, and also after DataCAD crashed while saving and closing a drawing. The drawing being saved and closed was saved but the other drawings that were open were lost. We are using the latest released version This has happened on two different computers so far. Has anyone else run into this problem or is there any known issue that might cause this problem. Also is there any known solution. This has happened on one computer yesterday and today. The rest of our computers are still working on version 19 and I am not sure we want to upgrade them if this is a continuing problem. The only reason we switched these computers over was because some embedded xrefs were not showing up in 19 but do in 20. I am not sure which issue is worse.
#74440 by dhs
Tue Jul 24, 2018 4:25 pm
Hi Paul,
I've never heard of this problem (and haven't encountered it in my very limited use of Dcad 20), but if it happened to me the first thing I would do is to run a full virus scan to search for any malware or virus that could be causing it.
Also, some anti-virus programs may attempt to quarantine an exe simply because they have not encountered it before, and I'm wondering if that could possibly be the problem (as your antivirus will probably not have encountered this version of datacad.exe previously).
#74442 by David A. Giesselman
Tue Jul 24, 2018 5:17 pm
Sounds to me like an AntiVirus false positive identification problem. What are you running for AV software?
#74443 by Paul Nida
Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:17 pm
We used to run Norton but I think our IT people switched us over to Trend Micro a few years ago, but I am not sure I'll have to check that tomorrow. I find it odd that we have been using 18 and 19 on these computers without the problem at all and now all of a sudden it is happening on 20. And the only difference is the installation of 20. Also it seems to be a problem primarily on one computer while 2 other computers haven't had a problem at all, and one computer has had one incident and I'm not completely sure that wasn't user error. All of our computers should be set up the same since they are all set up by our IT people using a distributed technique.
#74445 by Paul Nida
Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:04 am
Okay, this happened again this morning and we contacted IT and they updated Trend Micro anti-virus. Hopefully that will resolve the problem. We'll see. Thanks for the responses.
#74448 by dhs
Wed Jul 25, 2018 3:34 pm
If you still have problems then I believe that Trend Micro provide an ability for you to report false positives via their support portal ...
(I have no experience with Trend Micro, but I know that Norton was providing a false positive for one of my macro install files which was fixed after the user submitted a false positive report to them).
#74449 by Paul Nida
Wed Jul 25, 2018 5:47 pm
Thanks David, we will have to see how it goes from here. So far no more problems today so we will see what happens tomorrow. If it continues then maybe our IT people can deal with it since it was their idea to switch to Trend Micro in the first place.
#74461 by Paul Nida
Fri Jul 27, 2018 5:49 pm
Apparently the Trend Micro was the problem. There have been no further incidents since our IT updated it.

Thank you and David Henderson for your responses.

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